Become a member of the world's biggest jury in architecture history. Help us to support students.

There are 1359 jurors from 131 countries. The voting will take place over the Internet max to four times a year. You will not travel, you will help.

Voting System

Jury Benefits

Certified juror
Romuald Judicaël LAWSON
architecture and substainable developmentplace the man in heart of development integrate the environment and substainable materials in building
Certified juror
Faruq Ibnul Haqi

Architectural Design; Urban and Regional Planning; Sustainable Urban Design; Urban Policy; Urban Architecture.

Certified juror
Amir Reza Goudarzi
A critical look at theoretical concepts related to the philosophy of phenomenology in the field of architecture while using current technology and knowledge to process and experience lived in the virtual environment. Experience virtual phenomenology using virtual reality technology and holograms. Understanding architecture from two conceptual perspectives of „productive essence“ and „changeable nature“. Recognizing social harms and finding the right question in the context of urban and cultural concerns and answering it by using flexible techniques in architecture so that the audience plays the main role in recognizing and achieving the final goal without the intervention of dominant ideas by the architect.
A critical look at theoretical concepts related to the philosophy of phenomenology in the field of architecture while using current technology and knowledge to process and experience lived in the virtual environment. Experience virtual phenomenology using virtual reality technology and holograms. Understanding architecture from two conceptual perspectives of „productive essence“ and „changeable nature“. Recognizing social harms and finding the right question in the context of urban and cultural concerns and answering it by using flexible techniques in architecture so that the audience plays the main role in recognizing and achieving the final goal without the intervention of dominant ideas by the architect.
Certified juror
Hourakhsh Ahmad Nia
Aesthetics in urban designSustainabilityHousing studiesUrban revitalization
Aesthetics in urban designSustainabilityHousing studiesUrban revitalization
Certified juror
Rron Tresi
- Architectural design focusing on social and political issues, especially border zones with disputed land.- Social housing - Planning strategies in offering sustainable solutions for cities
- Architectural design focusing on social and political issues, especially border zones with disputed land.- Social housing - Planning strategies in offering sustainable solutions for cities
Certified juror
Nuran Saliu

Architectural Design and Computational Design

North Macedonia
Certified juror
Lucie Streďanská
interiérový design
Czech Republic
Certified juror
David Ricardo

Design, building science, and digital architecture 

Certified juror
Marika Kurtishvili
Multi functional complexes, residential houses, rehabilitation and adaptation of cultural heritage movements
Multi functional complexes, residential houses, rehabilitation and adaptation of cultural heritage movements
Certified juror
Pavel Chládek
Poskytujeme komplexní architektonické a projekční služby, od ověřovacích analýz, architektonických študií až po realizační projekty. Nabízíme zpracovaní všech fází projektu - dokumentace pro územního rozhodnutí, stavební povolení, realizační a tendrovou dokumentaci. Vedle zpracovaní dokumentace také zajišťujeme projednání projektů ve všech fázích záměru (inženýring), spolupráci na výběrových řízeních, autorský dozor a spolupráci při realizaci a zajištění kolaudace. Máme dlohodobé zkušenosti s návrhami obytných, komerčních a administrativních budov. Spolupracujeme s osvědčeným týmem inženýřů a špecialistů
Certified juror
Salma Begum

Salma Begum is a Bangladeshi Architect. Having been a distinguished student herself throughout her academic career – from being the recipient of Vice Chancellor’s Gold Medal in Bachelor of Architecture to double masters from BUET, Bangladesh and KU Leuven, Belgium with distinction, she is now engaged in nurturing next generation architects in the Department of Architecture at Ahasanullah University as an Assistant Professor. She is also a practicing architect – involved in various notable projects both domestically and internationally. She frequently contributes in international architectural publications benefiting the community. Outside architecture world, she is an avid traveler and a photographer.

She is interested in designing public spaces and places. Her research interest is to see how the use of space changes its scenerio with time and politics. For a city , landscape plays an important role. Therefore, how urbanism and landscape can integrate togather to contribute a city is another topic of interest of hers. She is currently engazed as an indpendent researcher where the research tries to forsee the future of public green space: Envisioning a sustainable urban landscape as incubator of citizenship, social cohesion and alternative urban economics – the Case of Dhaka.




Certified juror
Barbora Skopalová
Stavební inženýr
Czech Republic
Stavební inženýr
Certified juror
Arash Moghadam Fallahi

I am interested in the field of new and optimum structural configurations and climate-sensitive building and their influences on architecture.

Certified juror
Konrad Wesołowski
Master engineer architect with experience in projects ranging from residential to commercial spaces in both polish and foreign markets. Experience in project management, client consultations, multi-discipline partnerships and cooperation with authorities. Enthusiast of new technologies
Master engineer architect with experience in projects ranging from residential to commercial spaces in both polish and foreign markets. Experience in project management, client consultations, multi-discipline partnerships and cooperation with authorities. Enthusiast of new technologies
Certified juror
Jorge Salgado

Less is more, My firm is located in Querétaro, an important city in México.


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