Become a member of the world's biggest jury in architecture history. Help us to support students.

There are 1386 jurors from 131 countries. The voting will take place over the Internet max to four times a year. You will not travel, you will help.

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Jury Benefits

Certified juror
Gamaleldin Tarakhan

As an Architect and a member in Libya Green Guilding Council (LGBC), my profession focuses on designing buildings with consideration of sustainable strategies to create a healthy environment.

Also as a member in LGBC, I created UnEarth team which is responsible on advocating and raising awareness about sustainable architeture and sustainability in general in Benghazi Libya.


As an Architect and a member in Libya Green Guilding Council (LGBC), my profession focuses on designing buildings with consideration of sustainable strategies to create a healthy environment.

Also as a member in LGBC, I created UnEarth team which is responsible on advocating and raising awareness about sustainable architeture and sustainability in general in Benghazi Libya.

Certified juror
Yiğit Acar

Urban Design, Architectural Design, Architectural Representation, Data Visualization.

Certified juror
Julieta Chester

Respect for the land we habitate

Certified juror
Ashutosh Kumar Agarwal

Architectural Education to be meaningful for society

Large scale Urban Design & Educational Campuses.


Architectural Education to be meaningful for society

Large scale Urban Design & Educational Campuses.

Certified juror
Place attachment, Space acquaintance, Brandspace,
Place attachment, Space acquaintance, Brandspace,
Certified juror
Petr Kolář
ADR Co-founder Professional settings
Czech Republic
ADR Co-founder Professional settings
Certified juror
Tereza Horová
Czech Republic
Certified juror
Ana Rolim
Ana Luisa Rolim is an architect and educator, with experiences encompassing architectural design practice in the U.S. and Brazil, as well as, design studio teaching at undergraduate and graduate levels. Her recent published work has focused on architectural morphology, the interface between architecture and neuroscience, generative and digital design, as support towards the critical understanding of design methodologies, museum spaces, modern architecture and social housing.
Ana Luisa Rolim is an architect and educator, with experiences encompassing architectural design practice in the U.S. and Brazil, as well as, design studio teaching at undergraduate and graduate levels. Her recent published work has focused on architectural morphology, the interface between architecture and neuroscience, generative and digital design, as support towards the critical understanding of design methodologies, museum spaces, modern architecture and social housing.
Certified juror
Kateřina Pečeňová
návrhy interiérů, rekonstrukce, bytů, rodinných domů, kanceláří
Czech Republic
Certified juror
Katlego Mwale
Architectural design, curator in museum, architectural heritage and conservation projects.
Architectural design, curator in museum, architectural heritage and conservation projects.
Certified juror
Tumainiel Naychan J Shauri
Building design,sustainability,furniture design
Building design,sustainability,furniture design
Certified juror
Ondrej Palenčar
Enviromental architecture
Enviromental architecture
Certified juror
Iva Jeřábková
Jako architektka a inženýrka aktivně prosazuji nové inovativní přístupy ve stavebnictví. Při hledání nových výzev nezůstávám pouze u technických znalostí, ale také se zaměřuji na porozumění složitým vztahům a systémům. Jsem přesvědčená o tom, že vynikající výsledky lze dosáhnout díky kooperativní spolupráci a analytickému přístupu. Ve své praxi se zaměřuji se na rekonstrukce, sance a modernizace objektů středního a velkého rozsahu a integraci BIM procesů do těchto projektů.
Czech Republic
Certified juror
Aldo Giacchetto

AGA-Studio. Design, architecture, interiors, retails, urban-design

Certified juror
Tatyana Nikolova
urban planning - residential buildings - construction details - interest in environmental psychology
urban planning - residential buildings - construction details - interest in environmental psychology

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