Become a member of the world's biggest jury in architecture history. Help us to support students.

There are 1293 jurors from 130 countries. The voting will take place over the Internet max to four times a year. You will not travel, you will help.

Voting System

Jury Benefits

Certified juror
Jorge Chamorro

Creative director at Dual Studio.

Interior design, architecture design, industrial design.

Application of technologies in the construction and design processes.

Architectural visualization.

Interactive experiences.

Certified juror
Yurii Nikolaienko
3d printed building
3d printed building
Certified juror
Diego Hernández

As an architect I have been the curator of the largest curated architecture library of the world. Now as a creative director I’m looking for the latest trends and out of the box thinkers in design and construction.

Certified juror
Pavol Pilař

Graduated at Department of Architecture at FCE Slovak University of Technology and also at Theatre Faculty of Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava. In his wrks he examines the current state of cultural infrastructure and its possible transformation into a sustainable space for cultural and community activities. He creates a many interior design especially for libraries, and he is focused on set design for theatre. 

Certified juror
Imaisong Etim

Green Architecture

Construction/Facility Management

Architecture Products

Certified juror
Elobaid Elfadil

Lead studio-design lecturer and researcher specialized in (architectural Visualization and photography, architectural morphogenesis and form-finding ,  architectural tectonics and Aesthetics). Additionally,  there is a considerable interest in developing (architectural pedagogies, design-knowledge,  and critical thinking skill-sets) within the architectural education.

Certified juror
David Cais
Czech Republic
Certified juror
Joseph Danquah
Inclusive, Accessible, Cohesive, Smart and Sustainable communities and cities. Informing humane architecture through design thinking
Inclusive, Accessible, Cohesive, Smart and Sustainable communities and cities. Informing humane architecture through design thinking
Certified juror
Bára Baštová
Architektonické studio zaměřující se na návrhy bytových interiérů, rodinných domů a komerčních prostor.
Czech Republic
Certified juror
Dimitris Antoniou

DIMITRIS ANTONIOU Assistant Professor Dept. of Architecture University of Patras

Architectural Design, Building Technology, Competitions and Student Competitions is my teaching focus. Research work is focusing on sustainability in Architectural Design, Prefabrication and Standardization of shelters, Lightweight Ephemeral structures from sustainable materials, Synthesis of Detail and material technology combined with interdisciplinary research topics such as optimization, form finding and analysis of architectural research with the use of computing tools and data bases. His collaborations are targeting on the publication of a relevant book (September, 2020). Award-winning architect in several International and European Architectural Competitions. (ten prizes, commendations and distinctions)

Certified juror
sadam Ali

A real building is one on which the eye can light and stay.

Certified juror
Mahsa Hazbi

Sustainability, Ecology

Certified juror
Ayushi Sawalka
I have keen interest in core architecture involving judicious use of materials, good sense of design and sensitivity towards the user.
I have keen interest in core architecture involving judicious use of materials, good sense of design and sensitivity towards the user.
Certified juror
Ondřej Kroužel
Jsem autorizovaný inženýr v oblasti koncepčního navrhování a projektování pozemních staveb. Zaměřuji se zejména na rezidenční objekty, menší občanské stavby a rekonstrukce.Nabízím zhotovení architektonické studie, projektu pro územní řízení, stavební povolení či ohlášení stavby a navazující spolupráci na prováděcí dokumentaci.V současnosti se při projektování snažím soustředit na energetickou hospodárnost staveb a ekologickou udržitelnost. Všichni chceme žít ve zdravém prostředí a pokud chceme změnit svět, musíme začít u sebe.
Czech Republic
Certified juror
Aminreza Iranmanesh
Architecture PedagogyAdvance computer applicationUrban DesignUrban Analytics Urban Architecture
Architecture PedagogyAdvance computer applicationUrban DesignUrban Analytics Urban Architecture

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