Become a member of the world's biggest jury in architecture history. Help us to support students.

There are 1386 jurors from 131 countries. The voting will take place over the Internet max to four times a year. You will not travel, you will help.

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Jury Benefits

Certified juror
Syed Asad Ul Hassan
Interior, Residence, Offices
Interior, Residence, Offices
Certified juror
Michal Kunc
„Domov není nutně místo; domov je taky myšlení a paměť a zlost a radost a láska a hněv, vůbec všechno, co v nás je. Tam jsme chyceni, ať jsme, kde jsme.“ Tvoříme domy a interiéry, které se stávají Domovem. Tvoříme prostory, kde je radost pracovat. Kanceláře jako místo pro život.
Czech Republic
Certified juror
Lucie Salášková
Czech Republic
Certified juror
Jan Vařečka
Absolvent oboru Architektura a stavitelství - Fakulta stavební - ČVUTSpoluzakladatel a architekt - MOKA ateliér s.r.o.
Czech Republic
Certified juror
Sheyda Novruzzadeh


My name is Sheyda Novruzzadeh. I'm Chairman of the Commission on Youth Affairs of the Union of Architects of the Republic of Azerbaijan. In 2010 I entered the Faculty of Architecture of Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction, graduated from the University with bachelor's degree in 2014 and the master's degree in 2016. Currently , I'm continue my doctorate degree.

Since 2012, I have been the Assistant to the Chairman of the Management Board of the Union of Architects of the Republic of Azerbaijan. I also work as an architect in the architectural company "El & En".

From 2015 to present I have been the President of the Young Architects and Students Club under the Union of Architects of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

During my short architectural activities, I have implemented a number of projects within the architectural company "El & En": Youth Center in the National Park, "High Technology Park" in Pirallahi settlement, Regeneration of historic neighborhoods around Taza Pir Mosque complex, etc.

In 2015, on the occasion of Youth Day, Iwas awarded with the "Youth Prize" by the Ministry of Youth and Sport of the Republic of Azerbaijan for my successful activity in 2014. According to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated December 18, 2017, I was awarded the "Progress" medal for her contribution to the development of architecture in Azerbaijan.

Certified juror
Helene Lennartsson

Context, cultural heritage, materiality and details

Certified juror
Faruq Ibnul Haqi

Architectural Design; Urban and Regional Planning; Sustainable Urban Design; Urban Policy; Urban Architecture.

Certified juror
Michael Karnet

urbanismus, architektura, design

Certified juror
Zuzana Staňková
rezidenční i komerční interiéry
Czech Republic
Certified juror
Vlerë Mulliqi
Architectural Design
Architectural Design
Certified juror
Kamiar Yazdani
Theory of Tectonics in ArchitectureTectonics of Structural Systems
Theory of Tectonics in ArchitectureTectonics of Structural Systems
Certified juror
Shanu Agarwal
As a professor in an architecture school, my architectural focus encompasses sustainable urban development, resilient city planning, and the integration of innovative design principles to enhance urban livability. My work emphasizes the importance of sustainable practices, adaptive reuse, and community-centered design to foster resilient and vibrant urban environments.
As a professor in an architecture school, my architectural focus encompasses sustainable urban development, resilient city planning, and the integration of innovative design principles to enhance urban livability. My work emphasizes the importance of sustainable practices, adaptive reuse, and community-centered design to foster resilient and vibrant urban environments.
Certified juror
Lina Ballita
creation of living space in the midst of lived misery, creates hope, peace through spaces of reconciliation. Architecture is more than an adventure, a contextual challenge, a cultural integration. My orientation is more based on the development of human values ​​while responding adequately to the architectural place. The design Becomes like a mix between social and spatial variables.
creation of living space in the midst of lived misery, creates hope, peace through spaces of reconciliation. Architecture is more than an adventure, a contextual challenge, a cultural integration. My orientation is more based on the development of human values ​​while responding adequately to the architectural place. The design Becomes like a mix between social and spatial variables.
Certified juror
Tomáš Němec
Přes dvacet let se podílíme na kultivaci prostředí, ve kterém žijeme. Ať už je to krajina našich měst nebo vnitřní prostředí domovů, k úkolům architektury přistupujeme vždy komplexně. Reagujeme na proměny životního stylu jednotlivců i společnosti, ke kterým dnes neodmyslitelně patří požadavek udržitelnosti. Kombinací tradičních zkušeností oboru a současných technologických inovací navrhujeme řešení, která naplní současné potřeby a přetrvají v čase. Široké portfolio našich projektů spojuje jedno: důraz na propojení estetických a funkčních řešení. Podstatný je pro nás řemeslně zpracovaný detail i funkční naplnění celku.Každodenně precizujeme individuální řešení pro celou typologii projektů. Zapojujeme urbanistické celky do organismu měst, kultivujeme veřejný prostor a krajinu, s citlivostí rekonstruujeme a konvertujeme budovy. Hledáme inovativní koncepty v rámci architektonických soutěží.
Czech Republic
Certified juror
Prajal Pradhan

Architecture is an art and science of creating spaces that inspire, soothe or heal.


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