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There are 1386 jurors from 131 countries. The voting will take place over the Internet max to four times a year. You will not travel, you will help.

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Certified juror
Milena Zindović

Milena Zindović is an architect, currently based in Belgrade, Serbia, whose interests include architectural, urban and interior design and urban planning , as well as research on urban development and gender mainstreaming. She works as an independent architectural and planning professional in the fields of design, project management and  consulting services.

Certified juror
Nabeel Zafar

In my studio, we made a commitment to making cities better places to live. We believe that architecture and design matter, and that through our work, we can make a positive difference in the world. We strive to create buildings that are not just things in themselves but serve as catalysts for positive urban and social change.

Certified juror
Thiago de Souza
Architecture and Urban Planning
Architecture and Urban Planning
Certified juror
Jorge Luis Veliz Quintana
Architect and designer My main activity is directed to the field of architectural design and 3D visualization. My team and I work professionally with architecture and simulation software. office with residence in Cuba
Architect and designer My main activity is directed to the field of architectural design and 3D visualization. My team and I work professionally with architecture and simulation software. office with residence in Cuba
Certified juror
Joel Mukalay Kime Mukena
Sustainable Architectural design of public and administrative buildings in light of climate change and geographical location of the building.
Sustainable Architectural design of public and administrative buildings in light of climate change and geographical location of the building.
Certified juror
Mária Opavská
Obytné stavby, občanská vybavenost, urbanismus
Certified juror
Helen Fares
Design a realizace interiérů, jak bytů či vil (sauny, bazény, tělocvičny, solária), tak exteriérů, komerční interiéry (prodejny, restaurace), ČVUT matfyz aula + posluchárny Troja, dřevostavby, stánky na výstavišti, hotely (rozvržení prostoru + návrh, pokoje pro zdravotně postižené, hotely tři hvězdy)
Czech Republic
Design a realizace interiérů, jak bytů či vil (sauny, bazény, tělocvičny, solária), tak exteriérů, komerční interiéry (prodejny, restaurace), ČVUT matfyz aula + posluchárny Troja, dřevostavby, stánky na výstavišti, hotely (rozvržení prostoru + návrh, pokoje pro zdravotně postižené, hotely tři hvězdy)
Certified juror
Magdalena Koubek Michaličková
Specializuji se na výuku prvních ročníků na FA - základy arch. navrhování, dále výuku prostorové architektonické kresby. Pedagogický výzkum v prostorové kresbě na SPŠ stavební, zaměření RD a interiér.
Czech Republic
Certified juror
Hafsa Qureshi
By exploring the orifices of the natural world, reflections of observations are generated. These are the spaces thatgenerate a connection or a praxisto the promontories of the sacredEarth. They aid in creating a natural phenomenon and while doing so they lead to a revelation of a sacred experience, for me that experience isArchitecture.It is an invitation for the developmentof individual and communal praxis in the earth which is always a verysacred space and to be rooted intothe cultural and traditional typologiesyet have a presence of its own.
By exploring the orifices of the natural world, reflections of observations are generated. These are the spaces thatgenerate a connection or a praxisto the promontories of the sacredEarth. They aid in creating a natural phenomenon and while doing so they lead to a revelation of a sacred experience, for me that experience isArchitecture.It is an invitation for the developmentof individual and communal praxis in the earth which is always a verysacred space and to be rooted intothe cultural and traditional typologiesyet have a presence of its own.
Certified juror
Andrea Tabocchini

Award winning architect and engineer from Italy working across countries and cultures. Currently based in the Netherlands, he works as an architect also at OMA/Rem Koolhaas. Prior to joining OMA, Andrea worked at Kengo Kuma & Associates in Japan and at RCR Arquitectes in Spain.


Award winning architect and engineer from Italy working across countries and cultures. Currently based in the Netherlands, he works as an architect also at OMA/Rem Koolhaas. Prior to joining OMA, Andrea worked at Kengo Kuma & Associates in Japan and at RCR Arquitectes in Spain.

Certified juror
Islam El Ghonaimy
Urban design - landscape architecture - smart building - sustainability - resilience.
Urban design - landscape architecture - smart building - sustainability - resilience.
Certified juror
Andreas Papallas

I am a practicing architect based in Cyprus and doctoral student at the Univeersity of Oxford reading Sustainable Urban Development. I have graduated with distinction from the University of Cambridge in Architecture and Urban Design and from the University of Sheffield in Architecture. My master’s thesis research was honoured with the Susan and Geoffrey Twining Egginton Scholarship from Downing College and the UCF/IAMCR Urban Communication Research Grant in 2017. I recently taught Design Studio at the University of Cyprus and I teach Design Research Methods on a postgraduate level at the Cyprus University of Technology as well as co-supervise and guest reviews diploma and studio projects in Architecture. 


I am a practicing architect based in Cyprus and doctoral student at the Univeersity of Oxford reading Sustainable Urban Development. I have graduated with distinction from the University of Cambridge in Architecture and Urban Design and from the University of Sheffield in Architecture. My master’s thesis research was honoured with the Susan and Geoffrey Twining Egginton Scholarship from Downing College and the UCF/IAMCR Urban Communication Research Grant in 2017. I recently taught Design Studio at the University of Cyprus and I teach Design Research Methods on a postgraduate level at the Cyprus University of Technology as well as co-supervise and guest reviews diploma and studio projects in Architecture. 

Certified juror
To transform the clients’ hopes and dreams into reality, using architectural principles. The goal is to create a seamless blend of the framework and the natural environment. The objectives also include responding to the needs of the client, promoting comfort to the clients with project feasibilities, offering bespoke design solutions and creating spaces that revitalize people. The priorities comprise of high regard to professional ethics and a statue of time, cost and quality.
To transform the clients’ hopes and dreams into reality, using architectural principles. The goal is to create a seamless blend of the framework and the natural environment. The objectives also include responding to the needs of the client, promoting comfort to the clients with project feasibilities, offering bespoke design solutions and creating spaces that revitalize people. The priorities comprise of high regard to professional ethics and a statue of time, cost and quality.
Certified juror
Md Junaied Saif
My goal is to continually expand my design skill and knowledge inarchitecture and design at a professional level. I believe in dedication andhard work, which will make me a valuable asset of my team.
My goal is to continually expand my design skill and knowledge inarchitecture and design at a professional level. I believe in dedication andhard work, which will make me a valuable asset of my team.
Certified juror
Dimitris Antoniou

DIMITRIS ANTONIOU Assistant Professor Dept. of Architecture University of Patras

Architectural Design, Building Technology, Competitions and Student Competitions is my teaching focus. Research work is focusing on sustainability in Architectural Design, Prefabrication and Standardization of shelters, Lightweight Ephemeral structures from sustainable materials, Synthesis of Detail and material technology combined with interdisciplinary research topics such as optimization, form finding and analysis of architectural research with the use of computing tools and data bases. His collaborations are targeting on the publication of a relevant book (September, 2020). Award-winning architect in several International and European Architectural Competitions. (ten prizes, commendations and distinctions)


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