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There are 1441 jurors from 131 countries. The voting will take place over the Internet max to four times a year. You will not travel, you will help.

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Jury Benefits

Certified juror
Pavel Chládek
Poskytujeme komplexní architektonické a projekční služby, od ověřovacích analýz, architektonických študií až po realizační projekty. Nabízíme zpracovaní všech fází projektu - dokumentace pro územního rozhodnutí, stavební povolení, realizační a tendrovou dokumentaci. Vedle zpracovaní dokumentace také zajišťujeme projednání projektů ve všech fázích záměru (inženýring), spolupráci na výběrových řízeních, autorský dozor a spolupráci při realizaci a zajištění kolaudace. Máme dlohodobé zkušenosti s návrhami obytných, komerčních a administrativních budov. Spolupracujeme s osvědčeným týmem inženýřů a špecialistů
Certified juror
Jasson Johny

I think a good design whether its an architectural or urban planning scale all the way down to product design, the underlying principle is to make things better for people. I think the motive should be to use design to enable people to live better lifes, to get more out of everything. Its a goal quite often can be lost in architectural design and for this one must under the human conditions cultural differences around the world, the climatic sitiations that people are in and more and more its about trying to embrace all aspects of health. So I think in all aspects if you allow yourself to think about health, think about the wellbeing of the people we are designing for - it can finally lead us into some interesting and new strategies for where technology should go. There is a responsibility to think about people in a broader sense. Young people eventually become old people, firm people become infirm. so there is a constant need to think about all at the same time to make the world a happy place to be for all.  

Certified juror
Veronika Pánková
interiéry, rekonstrukce, rodinné domy
Czech Republic
Certified juror
Veronika Supruniuk
I'm a professional architect in the international company Varabyeu Partners. All of my projects are located in Miami and Mexico (with realisation).Contest projects have been widely presented in exhibitions such asShare 2018 International Architecture and Engineering Forum in Budapest, Hungary 120 hours Competition exhibition by Snohetta in Oslo, NorwaySkyCity Сhallenge Asia-Pacific Forum on Green Low-Carbon Development in Changsha, ChinaArchitectural autumn’19 in Minsk, Belarus also in Dubai (Municipality of Dubai)Abu Dhabi (competition from the Department of Transport Abu Dhabi)Contests are a part of life. I participated in more than 30 contests. Numerous prizes and international Awards, such as Lexus Design Award, Design Debut, World Architecture Award, ADD Award, WikiArchitecture Award, Inspirelli Award and winning international competitions in Dubai, Minsk, Tokyo, Moscow, Saint-Petersburg, Prague, Barcelona and so on.
Republic of Belarus
I'm a professional architect in the international company Varabyeu Partners. All of my projects are located in Miami and Mexico (with realisation).Contest projects have been widely presented in exhibitions such asShare 2018 International Architecture and Engineering Forum in Budapest, Hungary 120 hours Competition exhibition by Snohetta in Oslo, NorwaySkyCity Сhallenge Asia-Pacific Forum on Green Low-Carbon Development in Changsha, ChinaArchitectural autumn’19 in Minsk, Belarus also in Dubai (Municipality of Dubai)Abu Dhabi (competition from the Department of Transport Abu Dhabi)Contests are a part of life. I participated in more than 30 contests. Numerous prizes and international Awards, such as Lexus Design Award, Design Debut, World Architecture Award, ADD Award, WikiArchitecture Award, Inspirelli Award and winning international competitions in Dubai, Minsk, Tokyo, Moscow, Saint-Petersburg, Prague, Barcelona and so on.
Certified juror
Amir Hamza

Architecture never can be defined. Its a feelings... And its test varies from person to person


Architecture never can be defined. Its a feelings... And its test varies from person to person

Certified juror
Floyd Dizon
Architectural DesignLiturgical DesignHeritage DocumentationUrban Planning
Architectural DesignLiturgical DesignHeritage DocumentationUrban Planning
Certified juror
Margita Kubišová
architektúra, interiér, verejný priestor
Certified juror
Elie Braks

As an architect I have been always looking for new trends and ideas in architecture, how technology is changing and evolving architecture helping us to see project with a new perspective.

Certified juror
Meheroze Al Hassan

Planning & Design on Residential Single Unit to multi-storied building, Apartments & Housing.

Involved in some Urban Design Projects.

Few interiors projects including Bank,office have been successfully designed by me.

Certified juror
Mário Regec
Architektura a urbanismus. Veřejné, residenční a bytové stavby. Komplexní projektové práce.
Certified juror
Noman Afzal

“Recognizing the need is the primary condition for design.”

Certified juror
Sindy Melissa Godínez de León
Hospital Planning
Hospital Planning
Certified juror
Mahsa Hazbi

Sustainability, Ecology

Certified juror
Cristian Martìnez
Bùsqueda de una arquitectura para su sitio, revalorizando y promoviendo la reinterpretaciòn de tècnicas constructivas vernàculas, valorizar y enriquecer las diversas culturas.
Bùsqueda de una arquitectura para su sitio, revalorizando y promoviendo la reinterpretaciòn de tècnicas constructivas vernàculas, valorizar y enriquecer las diversas culturas.
Certified juror
Muhaimin Shahriar Shaon

He is the founder of "Deconstruction Architects", an architectural firm based on Bangladesh. He is also the founder of Arch-Bangla (Countries first architectural web portal). He studied Landscape and Gardening from New Skills Academy, USA.
He designed several Large scale housing projects in Bangladesh. His specialization is on high-rise condominium complexes and Landscape. Interior Design also covers his specialization. Two renowned Childern Theme parks also designed by him. 
Several articles related to architectural practices and heritage of Bangladesh of him published in journals & newspaper of Bangladesh.


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