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There are 1293 jurors from 130 countries. The voting will take place over the Internet max to four times a year. You will not travel, you will help.

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Certified juror
Kujtim Elezi

History of architecture, Theory of architecture

Certified juror
Wolfgang Gerlach
My focus is on the design from a single source. I love to combine different surfaces and materials in both exterior and interior design. The focus is on the areas of hotels, restaurants and event gastronomy.
My focus is on the design from a single source. I love to combine different surfaces and materials in both exterior and interior design. The focus is on the areas of hotels, restaurants and event gastronomy.
Certified juror
Veronika Boráková
Návrhy interiérů bytových a komerčních prostor.
Czech Republic
Certified juror
Joel Mukalay Kime Mukena
Sustainable Architectural design of public and administrative buildings in light of climate change and geographical location of the building.
Sustainable Architectural design of public and administrative buildings in light of climate change and geographical location of the building.
Certified juror
Jan Klein
Návrhy rezidenčního bydlení vč. realizace na klíč. Developerské projekty, ZTV, Firemní sídla.
Czech Republic
Certified juror
Lidia Saliko

Architecture is a chance we have to make a better future. Creating spaces, ambience that reflect emotions, beauty, function and comfort. 

Certified juror
Milena Zindović

Milena Zindović is an architect, currently based in Belgrade, Serbia, whose interests include architectural, urban and interior design and urban planning , as well as research on urban development and gender mainstreaming. She works as an independent architectural and planning professional in the fields of design, project management and  consulting services.

Certified juror
Matěj Machač
Bytové domy, rodinné domy, administrativní budovy.
Czech Republic
Certified juror
Danylo Kosenko
Learning spaces, interior and landscape design.
Certified juror
Rada Doytcheva
Better lives, by design: Doing rational (not excessive) architecture that serves directly people's needs. Efficient planning is key to sustainability and equity of resources across the board. another focus: raising the leadership role of the architect, lost in today's world; giving more women a chance to have meaningful role in the profession.
Better lives, by design: Doing rational (not excessive) architecture that serves directly people's needs. Efficient planning is key to sustainability and equity of resources across the board. another focus: raising the leadership role of the architect, lost in today's world; giving more women a chance to have meaningful role in the profession.
Certified juror
Haryo Winarso
My undergraduate background is in architectural engineering from Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. My Ph.D. is in urban studies from DPU, University College London. Now, I am teaching urban design and land and Housing development at Bandung Institute of Technology, My focus is on urban design that could integrate and accommodate the interest of the poor.
My undergraduate background is in architectural engineering from Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. My Ph.D. is in urban studies from DPU, University College London. Now, I am teaching urban design and land and Housing development at Bandung Institute of Technology, My focus is on urban design that could integrate and accommodate the interest of the poor.
Certified juror
Zdeněk Jiran
The Czech Technical University in Prague Associate professor, Department of Architecture Academic settings
Czech Republic
The Czech Technical University in Prague Associate professor, Department of Architecture Academic settings
Certified juror
Tawfiq Abu Hantash
DesignHistory and TheoryTeaching
United Arab Emirates
DesignHistory and TheoryTeaching
Certified juror
Marek Hrabec
Czech Republic
Certified juror
Jakub Kopec
Jakub Kopec je architekt kombinující ambivalentní přístupy inženýra a brikoléra. Skrze vybrané aspekty prostředí rád rozvíjí jeho rozmanitost a podněcuje nové zážitky z prostoru. Fascinuje ho sociální logika urbánních struktur, periferní kultury či ekologie mezidruhového soužití. Autorská východiska nachází v kolektivní tvorbě a spolupracích překračujících hranice oborových specializací.
Czech Republic

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