Become a member of the world's biggest jury in architecture history. Help us to support students.

There are 1441 jurors from 131 countries. The voting will take place over the Internet max to four times a year. You will not travel, you will help.

Voting System

Jury Benefits

Certified juror
Olga Malykh
Architecture can make the world better!Lecturer at the Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, architect with experience in the field of architectural design of residential and public buildings in Russia
Architecture can make the world better!Lecturer at the Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, architect with experience in the field of architectural design of residential and public buildings in Russia
Certified juror
Tomáš Němec
Přes dvacet let se podílíme na kultivaci prostředí, ve kterém žijeme. Ať už je to krajina našich měst nebo vnitřní prostředí domovů, k úkolům architektury přistupujeme vždy komplexně. Reagujeme na proměny životního stylu jednotlivců i společnosti, ke kterým dnes neodmyslitelně patří požadavek udržitelnosti. Kombinací tradičních zkušeností oboru a současných technologických inovací navrhujeme řešení, která naplní současné potřeby a přetrvají v čase. Široké portfolio našich projektů spojuje jedno: důraz na propojení estetických a funkčních řešení. Podstatný je pro nás řemeslně zpracovaný detail i funkční naplnění celku.Každodenně precizujeme individuální řešení pro celou typologii projektů. Zapojujeme urbanistické celky do organismu měst, kultivujeme veřejný prostor a krajinu, s citlivostí rekonstruujeme a konvertujeme budovy. Hledáme inovativní koncepty v rámci architektonických soutěží.
Czech Republic
Certified juror
David Chmelař
Tvoříme už od roku 1998. Máme zkušenosti s obytnými soubory, veřejným prostranstvím, kancelářemi i obchody, s rodinnými domy nebo interiéry. Výrazně jsme se také zapojili do kultivace městského prostředí v historickém kontextu, zejména v oblasti severovýchodních Čech. Vždy se snažíme stát plnohodnotnou součástí každého týmu, se kterým realizujeme daný projekt. Mezi nejvýznamnější klienty našeho ateliéru patří developerská společnost Crestyl. V té David Chmelař od roku 2009 působí na pozici Design Supervisor. Stejnou funkci zastával i ve firmě Spirit Invest v letech 2006 až 2012. Dalšími klienty našeho ateliéru jsou J&T Real Estate, CPI Group, JRD, Lexxus Norton, PSN a UBM. [EN] We have been creating since 1998. We have experience with residential complexes, public spaces, offices and shops, single-family houses, and interiors. We are also heavily involved in the cultivation of urban environments in a historical context, especially in the North East Bohemia region. We always strive to become a full part of any team we work with on a given project. Among the most important clients of our studio is the developer Crestyl. David Chmelař has been working there as a Design Supervisor since 2009. He held the same position at Spirit Invest from 2006 to 2012. Other clients of our studio include J&T Real Estate, CPI Group, JRD, Lexxus Norton, PSN, and UBM.
Czech Republic
Certified juror
Ziyang Xu
I am currently working at HKS, and worked at PES Architects, David Chipperfield Architects, Mecanoo Architecten, and SOM. I have a diverse career spanning architectural firms across Asia, Europe, and the United States. From my early academic years, I have been committed to the transformative power of architecture, recognizing its impact on human experiences, spatial and temporal dimensions, and problem-solving capabilities. This commitment has guided my ongoing practice and experimentation.My portfolio includes extensive involvement in renovation and extension projects worldwide. I believe these strategies are vital for sustainably extending the life cycle of buildings and enhancing the dynamic relationship between architecture and the public realm.I have extensive experience in winning international design awards, such as Red Dot Awards, IDA Awards; and winning prizes in various architectural design competitions. My experience guiding students and delivering lectures allows me to provide insightful, constructive feedback, making me an excellent jury candidate.
I am currently working at HKS, and worked at PES Architects, David Chipperfield Architects, Mecanoo Architecten, and SOM. I have a diverse career spanning architectural firms across Asia, Europe, and the United States. From my early academic years, I have been committed to the transformative power of architecture, recognizing its impact on human experiences, spatial and temporal dimensions, and problem-solving capabilities. This commitment has guided my ongoing practice and experimentation.My portfolio includes extensive involvement in renovation and extension projects worldwide. I believe these strategies are vital for sustainably extending the life cycle of buildings and enhancing the dynamic relationship between architecture and the public realm.I have extensive experience in winning international design awards, such as Red Dot Awards, IDA Awards; and winning prizes in various architectural design competitions. My experience guiding students and delivering lectures allows me to provide insightful, constructive feedback, making me an excellent jury candidate.
Certified juror
Elijah James Bernardo
Planning and Designing
Planning and Designing
Certified juror
Margita Kubišová
architektúra, interiér, verejný priestor
Certified juror
Zdeněk Jiran
The Czech Technical University in Prague Associate professor, Department of Architecture Academic settings
Czech Republic
The Czech Technical University in Prague Associate professor, Department of Architecture Academic settings
Certified juror
Josef Kala
Czech Republic
Certified juror
David Bitton


interior designer



Certified juror
Aleen SABA

When establishing a design, every architect will consider what exactly they want to communicate by it.

Personally I search the Purpose of a design.

It is to decide on a strong focal point that will drive all the architectural system, draw everybody’s attention and create that perfect balance and rythm. This purpose or concept reflects in the design creating this way new buildings and the spaces in and around them. A living organism!

Certified juror
Martin Stark

sustainable and energy efficient architecture both in scale of building design and urban design

an authorized architect (CCA) and researcher (CTU in Prague)

Czech Republic
Certified juror
Michal Matějíček
Czech Republic
Certified juror
Veronika Gubelová
Certified juror
Giuseppe Prestianni

I have been influenced by different kind of architecture since I had possibility to study and to work around the world. I like to cook and cooking, like architecture is a manifestation of the capacity of the human spirit to transcend its limitations. My work mainly reflects natural processes between nature, eco sustainable and human development.

Certified juror
Veronika Jamečná
Projektant pozemných stavieb

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