Become a member of the world's biggest jury in architecture history. Help us to support students.

There are 1425 jurors from 131 countries. The voting will take place over the Internet max to four times a year. You will not travel, you will help.

Voting System

Jury Benefits

Certified juror
Tomáš Němec
Přes dvacet let se podílíme na kultivaci prostředí, ve kterém žijeme. Ať už je to krajina našich měst nebo vnitřní prostředí domovů, k úkolům architektury přistupujeme vždy komplexně. Reagujeme na proměny životního stylu jednotlivců i společnosti, ke kterým dnes neodmyslitelně patří požadavek udržitelnosti. Kombinací tradičních zkušeností oboru a současných technologických inovací navrhujeme řešení, která naplní současné potřeby a přetrvají v čase. Široké portfolio našich projektů spojuje jedno: důraz na propojení estetických a funkčních řešení. Podstatný je pro nás řemeslně zpracovaný detail i funkční naplnění celku.Každodenně precizujeme individuální řešení pro celou typologii projektů. Zapojujeme urbanistické celky do organismu měst, kultivujeme veřejný prostor a krajinu, s citlivostí rekonstruujeme a konvertujeme budovy. Hledáme inovativní koncepty v rámci architektonických soutěží.
Czech Republic
Certified juror
Jayraj Ghatge

Digital Tools

Parametric Architecture

Responsive and Kinetic Architecture

Computaional Design

Certified juror
Matej Mecele
Certified juror
Nicholas Whitacre

I love it when a building sends a message. When there is strong intention. I focus on the emotions and psychological effects a proyect would have on the people. I have been fortunate to have been in competition a number of times with great success and look forward to being a jury member in this years Inspireli Awards.

Certified juror
Ivana Rakonjac
Architectural and urban design, Interior design, Lighting in architecture, Prehomenon of Boundary in an urban context
Architectural and urban design, Interior design, Lighting in architecture, Prehomenon of Boundary in an urban context
Certified juror
Nikolas Maximov
Architectural design is an art of visionary, that defines the way of living and interacting of future generations. Human-centric design is to provide people with possibilities of self identification. Therefore, along with futuristic innovations, designer have to pay attention to ethnic, cultural, local, and other types of identities.
Russian Federation
Architectural design is an art of visionary, that defines the way of living and interacting of future generations. Human-centric design is to provide people with possibilities of self identification. Therefore, along with futuristic innovations, designer have to pay attention to ethnic, cultural, local, and other types of identities.
Certified juror
Amir Hamza

Architecture never can be defined. Its a feelings... And its test varies from person to person


Architecture never can be defined. Its a feelings... And its test varies from person to person

Certified juror
Matěj Bálek
Navrhujeme udržitelnou organickou architekturu. Zabýváme se návrhy občanských staveb, ale i rodinných domů. Každá stavba podléhá třem pravidlům a to estetice, funkčnosti a ekologii.
Czech Republic
Navrhujeme udržitelnou organickou architekturu. Zabýváme se návrhy občanských staveb, ale i rodinných domů. Každá stavba podléhá třem pravidlům a to estetice, funkčnosti a ekologii.
Certified juror
Nisali Siriwardene
I focus on sustainability development projects in architecture as well as eco-friendly designs with minimal impact on nature. I see that architecture is about being able to feel the feelings and emotions that a building's elements create. It is a narrative, a process, and a form of art that we can genuinely inhabit.
Sri Lankan
I focus on sustainability development projects in architecture as well as eco-friendly designs with minimal impact on nature. I see that architecture is about being able to feel the feelings and emotions that a building's elements create. It is a narrative, a process, and a form of art that we can genuinely inhabit.
Certified juror
Kazi Niaj Hossain

Analysis, Understanding the project, need of the project, respecting the site climate and requirment.

Architecture is following rules with freedom...

                                            - Kazi Niaj Hossain.

Certified juror
Richard Anthony Losalajome Bolom'oese

Professional architect for almost 20 years and having worked a lot in international humanitarian action ...

Congolese (DRC)
Certified juror
Khaled Fantar
My architectural focus is born from the sensations generated by a space. Proven ability to find functional design solutions.As an interior designer, i'm skilled in color combinations, area improvement, and use of materials and illumination, driving innovative and personalized creations.
My architectural focus is born from the sensations generated by a space. Proven ability to find functional design solutions.As an interior designer, i'm skilled in color combinations, area improvement, and use of materials and illumination, driving innovative and personalized creations.
Certified juror
Martin Skovajsa
Czech Republic
Certified juror
Shanawaz Alli
Residential buildings, schools, hotels
Residential buildings, schools, hotels
Certified juror
Pierre Tatem
Climate and environmental sensitive architectural design. Creating environments that enhance the human experience
Climate and environmental sensitive architectural design. Creating environments that enhance the human experience

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