Become a member of the world's biggest jury in architecture history. Help us to support students.

There are 1425 jurors from 131 countries. The voting will take place over the Internet max to four times a year. You will not travel, you will help.

Voting System

Jury Benefits

Certified juror
Ahmad Faisal
High end residential and hospitality
High end residential and hospitality
Certified juror
Eliza Haider
Computational Architecture
Computational Architecture
Certified juror
Patryk Strześniewski


Certified juror
Mario Botta
MARIO BOTTA ARCHITETTI Official representative of the Holy See of the Vatican State in the INSPIRELI AWARDS international jury Architecture
MARIO BOTTA ARCHITETTI Official representative of the Holy See of the Vatican State in the INSPIRELI AWARDS international jury Architecture
Certified juror
Adli Nadia
Comercial Architecture and mixed use building design
Comercial Architecture and mixed use building design
Certified juror
Peyman Kiani Falavarjani
Peyman Kiani Falavarjani was born on 10th June 1984, in Esfahan, Iran. He grew up in a family with an industrial background; therefore, he had to work in his father's workshop from childhood until the end of high school. But although he had good talent in the industry, he had loved buildings since he was a child. He holds a Bachelor of Architecture degree from Glastonbury University. Later in 2012, he completed his master's degree in architecture. He is passionate about designing buildings where people are happy, like a hotel, bars, and restaurants. He believes a good design in a place should make people want to be there many times or travel to that place. He considers the emotional connection between the space and its user a critical factor, followed by aesthetics, ergonomics, usability, and functionality, defining a good design. This is the perspective that forms his manifest as an architect. For more information, you can follow Peyman Kiani Falavarjani on Instagram at @peymankianiarchitects.In 2008, he established his studio, Peyman Kiani Architects (PKA). Since 2013, the group has focused exclusively on hotels, restaurants, and bars, which have resulted in many prosperous projects in Iran and other countries. More than 34 prizes from some international design awards have been achieved in these years.
Peyman Kiani Falavarjani was born on 10th June 1984, in Esfahan, Iran. He grew up in a family with an industrial background; therefore, he had to work in his father's workshop from childhood until the end of high school. But although he had good talent in the industry, he had loved buildings since he was a child. He holds a Bachelor of Architecture degree from Glastonbury University. Later in 2012, he completed his master's degree in architecture. He is passionate about designing buildings where people are happy, like a hotel, bars, and restaurants. He believes a good design in a place should make people want to be there many times or travel to that place. He considers the emotional connection between the space and its user a critical factor, followed by aesthetics, ergonomics, usability, and functionality, defining a good design. This is the perspective that forms his manifest as an architect. For more information, you can follow Peyman Kiani Falavarjani on Instagram at @peymankianiarchitects.In 2008, he established his studio, Peyman Kiani Architects (PKA). Since 2013, the group has focused exclusively on hotels, restaurants, and bars, which have resulted in many prosperous projects in Iran and other countries. More than 34 prizes from some international design awards have been achieved in these years.
Certified juror
Pavla Maxová
Interiéry i exteriéry převážně residenčních projektů, ale nejenom těch. Zabýváme se také rekonstrukcemi a veřejným prostorem.
Czech Republic
Certified juror
Sofia Gambetta

Architect (FADU-UdelaR, 2017) Candidate for specialist (Diploma in Construction of Works of Architecture, FADU-UdelaR). Honorary Course Assistant of TFC in Taller Articardi. Teaching Assistant of Construction Institute (FADU-UdelaR), where I perform counseling tasks in quality plans for
the POMLP of UdelaR. Currently, my work as a researcher focuses in materials and systems innovative construction.

Certified juror
Jairo Galindo

My architectural approach is oriented in the structuring of the form.

Certified juror
Beimnet Kassaye
Advanced Architectural Designs
Advanced Architectural Designs
Certified juror
Térence Télord BANGA
I'm a D.E.I.A.U architect who applies the art of design, i.e. from the traditional to the modern.
Central African Republic
I'm a D.E.I.A.U architect who applies the art of design, i.e. from the traditional to the modern.
Certified juror
Pavel Chládek
Poskytujeme komplexní architektonické a projekční služby, od ověřovacích analýz, architektonických študií až po realizační projekty. Nabízíme zpracovaní všech fází projektu - dokumentace pro územního rozhodnutí, stavební povolení, realizační a tendrovou dokumentaci. Vedle zpracovaní dokumentace také zajišťujeme projednání projektů ve všech fázích záměru (inženýring), spolupráci na výběrových řízeních, autorský dozor a spolupráci při realizaci a zajištění kolaudace. Máme dlohodobé zkušenosti s návrhami obytných, komerčních a administrativních budov. Spolupracujeme s osvědčeným týmem inženýřů a špecialistů
Certified juror
Nina Třísková

I represent Sto Group which is one of the major international manufacturers of products and systems for building coatings. Its business focuses first and foremost on external wall insulation systems (EWIS), a sector in which the company occupies a leading position, and also on rainscreen cladding systems (RSC). Also included in the facade systems product group are render and paint systems for external applications.

I am more of a consultant for architects. Sort of a "translator" between the architectural world and the thechnical one.

I would be delighted to provide you with more information if requested.

Certified juror
Peter Plachkov
building Swaziland since 1991
Bulgarian +Swazi
building Swaziland since 1991
Certified juror
Viktoriya Bazylevych
Contemporary architecture.Sustainable architecture.
Contemporary architecture.Sustainable architecture.

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