Become a member of the world's biggest jury in architecture history. Help us to support students.

There are 1452 jurors from 131 countries. The voting will take place over the Internet max to four times a year. You will not travel, you will help.

Voting System

Jury Benefits

Certified juror


This professional dedicated his time and expertise to these students and their projects.

Aly Naqvi
Contemporary and Parametric Architecture
Contemporary and Parametric Architecture
Certified juror


This professional dedicated his time and expertise to these students and their projects.


Dokuz Eylul University, Faculty of Architecture, Izmir , Turkey

Ahemd Kamel

Department of Architecture of the Faculty of Engineering, Mansoura University in Mansoura, Egypt

Duaa AlRifai

Abu Dhabi University, Department of Architecture and Design, College of Engineering and Computer Science, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Ebrahim Al-suwaidi

Thamar university, Yemen

Mehwish Javaid Hussain

Lahore College forWomen University, Pakistan

Sabrina Gonzalez Aleu Orozco

Universidad de Monterrey, Universidad de Monterrey, Departamento de Arquitectura, Mexico

Trifa Jaafer

Salahaddin University-Erbil, Architectural Engineering Department, Iraq

Mennat Allah Farag

Department of Architecture of the Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University in Abbaseya, Cairo, Egypt

Md. Ferdous Rahman

Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh

Mahsa Mohebbi

IAUCTB, Islamic Republic of Iran

Jennifer Murillo

Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Cumbaya, Ecuador, Facultad de Arquitectura y Diseno Interior, Ecuador

Chee Kin Tan

Tsinghua University (THU), School of Architecture, Department of Architecture, Beijing, Malaysia

Martina Kocurišinová

TUL - Technical University of Liberec, Faculty of Architecture, Czech Republic

Gabriela González

Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Cumbaya, Ecuador, Facultad de Arquitectura y Diseno Interior, Ecuador

Francesco Csermely

Politecnico di Milano, Polytechnic University of Milan, School of Design, Italy

Jana Trnková

Faculty of Architecture and Design STU in Bratislava, Slovakia


cyprus international university, Cyprus

Anja Pantic

University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture, Belgrade, Serbia, Serbia

kasem tarayrah

CIU, Palestine

Růžena Mašková

CTU in Prague - Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Republic

Simone Damiani

Politecnico di Milano, Polytechnic University of Milan, School of Design, Italy

Ruitong Xu

Central Academy of Fine Arts, China

Williams Osei

Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana

Mariia Redkolis
Architecture. Interior design. Landscaping project. Urban design.
Certified juror
Jose Carlo Bolaños Padilla

The design of spaces that represent a preview of the future human behavior, where a balance between environment and technology is the goal to improve architecture and life.

Costa Rican

The design of spaces that represent a preview of the future human behavior, where a balance between environment and technology is the goal to improve architecture and life.

Certified juror
Mariia Gonchar

Behance: https://www.behance.net/mariiagonchar

WW: https://workingnotworking.com/73463-mariia

Medium: https://medium.com/@MariaGonchar

411memorial.wordpress.com  411batterymemorialpark.wordpress.com 411batterymemorialinitiatives.wordpress.com



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