Become a member of the world's biggest jury in architecture history. Help us to support students.

There are 1441 jurors from 131 countries. The voting will take place over the Internet max to four times a year. You will not travel, you will help.

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Certified juror
Mohamed Yasser
- Architectural Design - Interior Design - Nanotechnology and 3D Printing
Certified juror
Joseph Kologo

Mes conceptions sont orientées à travaers un mélange de matériaux locaux et divers materiaux contemporains du monde.

Certified juror
Vannesa Grace Cabiedes
Architectural Design, Urban Design, Sustainable Housing development for Indigenous Community.
Architectural Design, Urban Design, Sustainable Housing development for Indigenous Community.
Certified juror
Andrea Rossi

I 'm an Italian architect who works in the fields of architectural design and interior design, urban planning and landscape design. Currently I'm working with several Italian engineering and architecture firms.

Certified juror
Sujana Villafane Bohac

Originally from Venezuela, recently got a Master from the Czech Technical University in the field of Architecture and Urbanism. She is focused on the development of social realities through the architectonic fact also interested in the relationship of the architecture and arts, and how to make our realities better in a sustainable way for our planet.

Certified juror
Arun Kapur

Urban renewal of the heritage core city areas of South Asian cities.

Certified juror
Karol Drobniewski
In the circle of my scientific and creative interests, I focus primarily on the contemporary shaping of large-scale projects, regeneration of post-industrial areas, shaping creative urban strategies and solutions in the coastal zone related to climate change. I work as an academic teacher at the University of Lodz, where I teach urban design, and I am a designer at A2P2 architecture & planning. I am the author or co-author of articles in architectural magazines in Poland.
In the circle of my scientific and creative interests, I focus primarily on the contemporary shaping of large-scale projects, regeneration of post-industrial areas, shaping creative urban strategies and solutions in the coastal zone related to climate change. I work as an academic teacher at the University of Lodz, where I teach urban design, and I am a designer at A2P2 architecture & planning. I am the author or co-author of articles in architectural magazines in Poland.
Certified juror
Eliška Syrová
Propojení krajiny s urbáními strukturami, v menším měřítku zahrada s interiérem. Díky střední škole, kde jsem studovala ekologii, tak tento aspekt je pro mne důležitý. Je mým cílem hledat propojení různých hledisek a dimenzí prostoru. Proto hledám úzkou spolupráci s architekty a dalšími profesemi. Důležité je pro mne nacítění lokality, jejích návazností a také uživatele prostoru. V bakalářské práci jsem se zabývala vlivu architektury, abiotických a biotických prvků ve veřejném prostoru na fyzické a psychické zdraví. V diplomové na terapeutické zahrady. V praxi se snažím aplikovat přístup, učit se nové věci a být otevřená spolupráci. Spolupracuji na veřejných prostorech, soukromích zahradách, střešní zahrady a dendrologické průzkumy.
Czech Republic
Propojení krajiny s urbáními strukturami, v menším měřítku zahrada s interiérem. Díky střední škole, kde jsem studovala ekologii, tak tento aspekt je pro mne důležitý. Je mým cílem hledat propojení různých hledisek a dimenzí prostoru. Proto hledám úzkou spolupráci s architekty a dalšími profesemi. Důležité je pro mne nacítění lokality, jejích návazností a také uživatele prostoru. V bakalářské práci jsem se zabývala vlivu architektury, abiotických a biotických prvků ve veřejném prostoru na fyzické a psychické zdraví. V diplomové na terapeutické zahrady. V praxi se snažím aplikovat přístup, učit se nové věci a být otevřená spolupráci. Spolupracuji na veřejných prostorech, soukromích zahradách, střešní zahrady a dendrologické průzkumy.
Certified juror
Taymoore Balbaa
AXIA Design Associates Co-Founder & Partner Professional settings
AXIA Design Associates Co-Founder & Partner Professional settings
Certified juror
Sepide Elmi
architecture as an experience shaped by time, light, and materials where various physical and sensory elements have integral relationships and shape formalistic, spatial solutions.
architecture as an experience shaped by time, light, and materials where various physical and sensory elements have integral relationships and shape formalistic, spatial solutions.
Certified juror
Róbert Jahoda
Today I think that naturalness is the most important thing in any situation.Design of residential and public buildings. Contemporary patterns. The spaces, forms and structures of our residential buildings in relation to climate change and the economic environment.
Today I think that naturalness is the most important thing in any situation.Design of residential and public buildings. Contemporary patterns. The spaces, forms and structures of our residential buildings in relation to climate change and the economic environment.
Certified juror
Małgorzata Kotyczka
I run a design office specializing in interior design - obiekty studio. We are passionate about the dependencies between form and function. In our projects, we strive to reduce unnecessary artifacts and elements of equipment, maximizing the exposure of the newly designed spatial composition. We reach for bold, original solutions with unique functional and aesthetic values, color, texture, expressive form, giving the interior a personal character and stimulating artistically users of the designed spaces. We implement sustainable design solutions in our projects. In consequence of consciously made decisions, we are able to shape healthy interiors, free from harmful chemicals.
I run a design office specializing in interior design - obiekty studio. We are passionate about the dependencies between form and function. In our projects, we strive to reduce unnecessary artifacts and elements of equipment, maximizing the exposure of the newly designed spatial composition. We reach for bold, original solutions with unique functional and aesthetic values, color, texture, expressive form, giving the interior a personal character and stimulating artistically users of the designed spaces. We implement sustainable design solutions in our projects. In consequence of consciously made decisions, we are able to shape healthy interiors, free from harmful chemicals.
Certified juror
culture tourism and sustainable development. sustainable buildings.
culture tourism and sustainable development. sustainable buildings.
Certified juror
Basem Eid M
Architecture, Housing, Digital design and fabrication
Architecture, Housing, Digital design and fabrication
Certified juror
Victor Jacinto

Architectural presentation and design conceptualization.


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