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V soutěži je 1429 porotců z 131 zemí. Hlasování se bude konat přes internet maximálně čtyřikrát ročně. Nemusíte cestovat, můžete hlasovat z pohodlí domova.

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Jury Benefits

Certifikovaný porotce
Rouzbeh Ardekani

Digital Architecture and Parametric Design also Teaching in university

Certifikovaný porotce
Yangyang Lu

Darian Lu is a practicing architect in New York. She earned her Bachelor of Architecture from Iowa State University, and her Master of Architecture from Columbia University in New York City. She is passionate about multi-disciplinary, research-based design, and focuses on crafting transformational workplaces, and designing precedent-setting hospitality and residential spaces. Her work is characterized by close attention to materials, and art integration within architecture. With an emphasis on the individual's experience, Darian is able to bring a small-scale focus to the design of large-scale projects. She practiced with W Architecture, Skidmore Owings Merrill, and most recently with WeWork. She and her team's work were featured in Architecture Digest, Arch Daily, Fox Business, Forbes, and numerous others. 

Certifikovaný porotce
Miroslav Mikulec
Interiérový design
Czech Republic
Certifikovaný porotce
Laertis Ando

Laertis is the Founder and Principal Architect of "O P A - Open Platform for Architecture" (2014) & "LAAV Architects" (2016), Awarded and multi-published designer of iconic Casa Brutale, Lux Aeterna Chapel, Villa Clessidra, Maralah Cabin for Infiniti QX80 (QX80 Brand Ambassador 2018), 2 x TEDx Speaker. Based in Haarlem, The Netherlands.

Greek - Japanese
Certifikovaný porotce
Rada Doytcheva
Better lives, by design: Doing rational (not excessive) architecture that serves directly people's needs. Efficient planning is key to sustainability and equity of resources across the board. another focus: raising the leadership role of the architect, lost in today's world; giving more women a chance to have meaningful role in the profession.
Better lives, by design: Doing rational (not excessive) architecture that serves directly people's needs. Efficient planning is key to sustainability and equity of resources across the board. another focus: raising the leadership role of the architect, lost in today's world; giving more women a chance to have meaningful role in the profession.
Certifikovaný porotce
Leila Krivosic
The sphere of interest of my research is related to the impact of the socio-political situation and its manifestation through the architecture and spatial planning. Special focus is on the post socialist period in the former Yugoslav republics as well as illegal urbanization and forced urbanization, ie the lack of urbanization.
Bosnia and Herzegovina
The sphere of interest of my research is related to the impact of the socio-political situation and its manifestation through the architecture and spatial planning. Special focus is on the post socialist period in the former Yugoslav republics as well as illegal urbanization and forced urbanization, ie the lack of urbanization.
Certifikovaný porotce
Benjamin Wells

I am an architect and researcher focused on the points of convergence between space, politics and society. 

My work spans a range of mediums and scales - from ambitious built projects to temporary installations and published research - all with a focus on the political and social role of architecture. 

Certifikovaný porotce
Serhii Leshchenko
Czech Republic
Certifikovaný porotce
Ondřej Zavadil
Czech Republic
Certifikovaný porotce
Martina Peřinková
The Technical University of Ostrava Head of the Department of Architecture Academic settings
Czech Republic
The Technical University of Ostrava Head of the Department of Architecture Academic settings
Certifikovaný porotce
Mohammed Al-Nisafi
My architectural focus is on creating unique and sustainable designs that fulfill the needs of occupants and seamlessly integrate with the surrounding urban environment. I strive to go beyond conventional practices, delivering visually striking and functionally efficient designs. Sustainability is at the core of my philosophy, incorporating renewable energy sources and green spaces to minimize ecological impact. I also value context and aim to blend my designs with the local culture and heritage, enhancing the overall urban experience. With innovation, sustainability, and contextual sensitivity, I create inspiring spaces that enrich lives.
My architectural focus is on creating unique and sustainable designs that fulfill the needs of occupants and seamlessly integrate with the surrounding urban environment. I strive to go beyond conventional practices, delivering visually striking and functionally efficient designs. Sustainability is at the core of my philosophy, incorporating renewable energy sources and green spaces to minimize ecological impact. I also value context and aim to blend my designs with the local culture and heritage, enhancing the overall urban experience. With innovation, sustainability, and contextual sensitivity, I create inspiring spaces that enrich lives.
Certifikovaný porotce
Jana Stachová
Naše studio se zaměřuje na residenční a veřejný prostor. Mojí specializací je práce s interiéry.
Czech Republic
Certifikovaný porotce
Ahmed Farea Al Sharjabi
Urban design StudiesArchitecture Studios Reconstruction After Natural disaster Conservation and Restoration
Urban design StudiesArchitecture Studios Reconstruction After Natural disaster Conservation and Restoration
Certifikovaný porotce
Emilio Chacar
Sustainable Architecture
Sustainable Architecture
Certifikovaný porotce
Jiří Smolík
Czech Republic

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