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Certifikovaný porotce
Veronika Prokopová
Jsme architekti z Ostravy. Navrhujeme s úctou k místu a respektem ke klientovi.
Czech Republic
Certifikovaný porotce
Piyali Debnath

I have always been inspired by the pure form nature which inspires the rhythm and continuity between the edifice and nature. Every piece of architecture should be inextricably connected to nature which can only be possible by using proper use of art, science, and modern technology. Architecture is not just a language but also a soul, that can enrich and enhance the human society for a better future.

Certifikovaný porotce
Ezzeddin Alasali
Create a sustainable and eco-friendly structures with innovative methodologies and materials.
Create a sustainable and eco-friendly structures with innovative methodologies and materials.
Certifikovaný porotce

Modern architecture projects in a historic urban environment


Modern architecture projects in a historic urban environment

Certifikovaný porotce
Andriy Golub

Golub Architects Company and me, as the chief architect, have several focuses: firstly, it is a residential and commercial architecture (individual houses, apartment buildings, offices, cafes, restaurants, etc.); secondly, it is urban design; the third is the design of parks and recreational areas, landscape design. Also, now our company has a number of orders in a new field for us - these are memorial complexes (memorials are devoted to the Revolution of Dignity in Ukraine).

Certifikovaný porotce
Lenka Blechová

Architecture and architectural visualisations

Certifikovaný porotce
Amanuel Sheferaw
Modern and Classical Architecture design, Urban and Architectural Heritage conservation, Adaptive reusing, Facade design, Vernacular architecture.
Certifikovaný porotce
Pavel Chládek
Poskytujeme komplexní architektonické a projekční služby, od ověřovacích analýz, architektonických študií až po realizační projekty. Nabízíme zpracovaní všech fází projektu - dokumentace pro územního rozhodnutí, stavební povolení, realizační a tendrovou dokumentaci. Vedle zpracovaní dokumentace také zajišťujeme projednání projektů ve všech fázích záměru (inženýring), spolupráci na výběrových řízeních, autorský dozor a spolupráci při realizaci a zajištění kolaudace. Máme dlohodobé zkušenosti s návrhami obytných, komerčních a administrativních budov. Spolupracujeme s osvědčeným týmem inženýřů a špecialistů
Certifikovaný porotce
Debanjana Chatterjee
Certifikovaný porotce
Dmitrij Marchuk
Architecture of residential and public buildings and structures
Architecture of residential and public buildings and structures
Certifikovaný porotce
Samuel Szkuban
Certifikovaný porotce
Mario Samayoa
Been an Architect with a vision to keep and transform in a sustainable and resilient way the world of design.
United States of America
Been an Architect with a vision to keep and transform in a sustainable and resilient way the world of design.
Certifikovaný porotce
Deb Avi




Certifikovaný porotce
Lailani Landicho
Domestic, Landscape, Commercial and Office architecture
Domestic, Landscape, Commercial and Office architecture
Certifikovaný porotce
Sina Keivani

Sina Keivani is an award-winning Iranian Architect, who has found his own architectural firm,” Keivani Architects & Associates”, with his brother, Nima Keivani, Since 2009. After publishing their projects worldwide, their practice received international attention in architectural magazines, books, and websites such as Ifeng space Book - Tianjin Ifeng Space Media Co., Ltd- January. 2018-Taiwan, International Architecte magazine- Issue January – 2018- Dubai, Industria delle Costruzioni magazine- December -2017- Italy, Domus Design magazine- Mar 2017, Manual Of Industrial Interior Design - Phoenix Publishing & Media Group- July 2017 – China, BOB International magazine of Space Design- Issue 150-2017/ South Korea, MINI Building book – Issue 4- 2016 -South Korea, AMBIENTES Magazine, a Latin American publication based in Chile- Aug 2016, Cover of Touch Decor magazine, an English high quality pan Arab magazine- October 2016,  VAMP magazine- Issue 25- Dec 2016- Italy, Cover of XXI International Architecture magazine- Issue 152 – 2016 - Turkey.

His works also were exhibited in Modern & Contemporary Architecture of Iran in Tokyo May 2018, GAP 2017 Melbourne School of design. He also has some participating in competitions with several architectural firms as the design architect.

He has received numerous awards and honors, including the Nominee of Aga khan awards for architecture  Pardis khaneh- Orsi khaneh- Switzerland- 2019, Middle East Award- Orsi khaneh- Best residential project- Dubai- 2017, Interior Goda Awards- Mehr Khaneh- Third place- Ukraine- 2017, Europe Architecture Awards- Transformable House- Finalist- Berlin- 2017, A’ Design Award- Mehr Khaneh- Silver medal- Italy- 2017, Asia Architecture Awards- Orsi Khaneh- Finalist and condinate- Berlin- 2017, Iranian interior design- Mehr Khaneh- Honorable Mention- Iran- 2016, A’ Design Award- Orsi Khaneh- Bronze medal- Italy- 2016, Residential Architecture- Orsi Khaneh- Honorable Mention- USA- 2016, Asia Pacific property Awards- Orsi Khaneh- Honorable Mention- 2016, Nominee of Aga khan awards for architecture- Khanat- Switzerland- 2013.

He believes that the best answer for today’s Iranian residential project is applying the quality of the traditional Iranian places in a modern form of Architecture fitting the needs of people. The mentioned approach can be seen in their residential projects like Orsi khane, Pardis Khane which were nominated for Agha- Khan Awards. He was also the lecturer in different workshops of Residential Design.

His Focus wasn’t only in residential projects, but in his point of view, architecture should be considered in urban context, so social sustainability and its relationship with quality of urban spaces is one of the main subject of his papers in journals.

His bachelor was in architecture, while he has graduated in Master of” Urban Renovation”, and Urban problems is one of his field of interest, so he has researched and practiced about the renovation of destroyed cities or areas caused by war or natural disasters.

As he is very careful about the Energy usage in his designs and he is aware of concepts of green architecture, which is reflected in his researches using smart technologies for providing sustainability in the projects, besides considering the context and culture.

He is also specialized design, art appreciation, cultural studies, art philosophy, architectural history, urban collective memory, material and climatic issues regarding vernacular architecture and so on, and his papers has already published in several journals and international conferences.

All in All, Sina Keivani is an artist who has not only theater, cinema and photography experience, but he is very enthusiastic in Graphic design, fashion, jewelry design, digital painting, installations, and his works were exhibited in galleries.



Sina Keivani is an award-winning Iranian Architect, who has found his own architectural firm,” Keivani Architects & Associates”, with his brother, Nima Keivani, Since 2009. After publishing their projects worldwide, their practice received international attention in architectural magazines, books, and websites such as Ifeng space Book - Tianjin Ifeng Space Media Co., Ltd- January. 2018-Taiwan, International Architecte magazine- Issue January – 2018- Dubai, Industria delle Costruzioni magazine- December -2017- Italy, Domus Design magazine- Mar 2017, Manual Of Industrial Interior Design - Phoenix Publishing & Media Group- July 2017 – China, BOB International magazine of Space Design- Issue 150-2017/ South Korea, MINI Building book – Issue 4- 2016 -South Korea, AMBIENTES Magazine, a Latin American publication based in Chile- Aug 2016, Cover of Touch Decor magazine, an English high quality pan Arab magazine- October 2016,  VAMP magazine- Issue 25- Dec 2016- Italy, Cover of XXI International Architecture magazine- Issue 152 – 2016 - Turkey.

His works also were exhibited in Modern & Contemporary Architecture of Iran in Tokyo May 2018, GAP 2017 Melbourne School of design. He also has some participating in competitions with several architectural firms as the design architect.

He has received numerous awards and honors, including the Nominee of Aga khan awards for architecture  Pardis khaneh- Orsi khaneh- Switzerland- 2019, Middle East Award- Orsi khaneh- Best residential project- Dubai- 2017, Interior Goda Awards- Mehr Khaneh- Third place- Ukraine- 2017, Europe Architecture Awards- Transformable House- Finalist- Berlin- 2017, A’ Design Award- Mehr Khaneh- Silver medal- Italy- 2017, Asia Architecture Awards- Orsi Khaneh- Finalist and condinate- Berlin- 2017, Iranian interior design- Mehr Khaneh- Honorable Mention- Iran- 2016, A’ Design Award- Orsi Khaneh- Bronze medal- Italy- 2016, Residential Architecture- Orsi Khaneh- Honorable Mention- USA- 2016, Asia Pacific property Awards- Orsi Khaneh- Honorable Mention- 2016, Nominee of Aga khan awards for architecture- Khanat- Switzerland- 2013.

He believes that the best answer for today’s Iranian residential project is applying the quality of the traditional Iranian places in a modern form of Architecture fitting the needs of people. The mentioned approach can be seen in their residential projects like Orsi khane, Pardis Khane which were nominated for Agha- Khan Awards. He was also the lecturer in different workshops of Residential Design.

His Focus wasn’t only in residential projects, but in his point of view, architecture should be considered in urban context, so social sustainability and its relationship with quality of urban spaces is one of the main subject of his papers in journals.

His bachelor was in architecture, while he has graduated in Master of” Urban Renovation”, and Urban problems is one of his field of interest, so he has researched and practiced about the renovation of destroyed cities or areas caused by war or natural disasters.

As he is very careful about the Energy usage in his designs and he is aware of concepts of green architecture, which is reflected in his researches using smart technologies for providing sustainability in the projects, besides considering the context and culture.

He is also specialized design, art appreciation, cultural studies, art philosophy, architectural history, urban collective memory, material and climatic issues regarding vernacular architecture and so on, and his papers has already published in several journals and international conferences.

All in All, Sina Keivani is an artist who has not only theater, cinema and photography experience, but he is very enthusiastic in Graphic design, fashion, jewelry design, digital painting, installations, and his works were exhibited in galleries.


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