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Design and development of architectural projects
Less is more, My firm is located in Querétaro, an important city in México.
My focus in Architecture since I got my PhD degree in 2017 has been on multiple fields. My main interest is environmental design and energy efficiency in buildings. This appears greatly in my researches and the courses I teach. I am interested in sustainability and how it can be achieved in both architecture and urban levels.
My focus in architecture as well is interior design. I teach interior design course for senior year where I highlight the interior space planning along with the lighting, furniture, materials, textures, design styles and flooring designs.
I also teach architecture design courses where I teach students the design principles, design considerations and site analysis. How to study the form, mass and void to present an integrated design project.
Architecture should be like art . It is beautiful or not, you like it or not. Whit out any explaining why it looks like this , because of the impact on environment or because of some sociological aspects or ...