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Jury Benefits

Certifikovaný porotce
Vicky Chan

I am the founder of Avoid Obvious Architects. We design happy cities and green buildings. We have won 39 awards in the last 5 years.

Certifikovaný porotce
Ayushi Sawalka
I have keen interest in core architecture involving judicious use of materials, good sense of design and sensitivity towards the user.
I have keen interest in core architecture involving judicious use of materials, good sense of design and sensitivity towards the user.
Certifikovaný porotce
Tereza Vrbová
Architektura a urbanismus. Veřejné, residenční a bytové stavby. Komplexní projektové práce.
Czech Republic
Certifikovaný porotce
Ali Mohammadzadeh

A strong believer in the ability of architecture and research combined with design thinking for strengthening our societies and having a positive effect on the world. Only together we can build a better future, therefore my communication and team working skills.

Certifikovaný porotce
Andrea Cruzalegui

My architectural focus is born from the sensations generated by a space. Whether open or closed, the interior and exterior factors are ordered and controlled by the design generating a particular atmosphere. The architecture must transmit something, and that something is decided by the architect, when it is relevant and well executed it becomes a great design.

Certifikovaný porotce
culture tourism and sustainable development. sustainable buildings.
culture tourism and sustainable development. sustainable buildings.
Certifikovaný porotce
Elena Ruzova
Design of interior and exterior environment
Design of interior and exterior environment
Certifikovaný porotce
Wezha Baiz
Design, High-rise buildings, Building Technology and sustainability.
Design, High-rise buildings, Building Technology and sustainability.
Certifikovaný porotce
Josef Kala
Czech Republic
Certifikovaný porotce
Bilal Bilgili
Cultural heritage, conservation and preservation of architectural heritage, Conservation, preservation and management of historic buildings and sites,Architectural and archaeological survey,Urban conservation,Urban design,Contemporary building design,
Cultural heritage, conservation and preservation of architectural heritage, Conservation, preservation and management of historic buildings and sites,Architectural and archaeological survey,Urban conservation,Urban design,Contemporary building design,
Certifikovaný porotce
Cristiano Luchetti
Cristiano Luchetti is an architect, researcher, and educator with more than 25 years of experience in both professional practice and academia. Since 2012, Cristiano has taught and researched architectural and urban design for UAE universities. He is currently an Associate Professor at the American University of Ras Al Khaimah in the UAE and a Ph.D. candidate at the Universita' Politecnica delle Marche in Italy. In his professional activity, Cristiano carries out consultancy for large-scale projects in the Middle East's residential, commercial, and hospitality sectors. He is associate editor of Compasses Architecture & Design and regularly writes about the architecture and urbanism of the Arabian Gulf. In 2018 he co-curated the Egyptian pavilion at the Architecture Venice Biennale, and in 2021 co-authored the book "Desert:Space - Architecture for Emptiness." He recurrently serves as a juror for the most prominent international competitions and awards.
Cristiano Luchetti is an architect, researcher, and educator with more than 25 years of experience in both professional practice and academia. Since 2012, Cristiano has taught and researched architectural and urban design for UAE universities. He is currently an Associate Professor at the American University of Ras Al Khaimah in the UAE and a Ph.D. candidate at the Universita' Politecnica delle Marche in Italy. In his professional activity, Cristiano carries out consultancy for large-scale projects in the Middle East's residential, commercial, and hospitality sectors. He is associate editor of Compasses Architecture & Design and regularly writes about the architecture and urbanism of the Arabian Gulf. In 2018 he co-curated the Egyptian pavilion at the Architecture Venice Biennale, and in 2021 co-authored the book "Desert:Space - Architecture for Emptiness." He recurrently serves as a juror for the most prominent international competitions and awards.
Certifikovaný porotce
Mikuláš Hladký
Autorizovaný architekt:odborné činnosti vo výstavbe v tomto rozsahu: - a) vykonávanie prípravnej predprojektovej činnosti, najmä vypracúvanie stavebných zámerov verejných prác, investičných zámerov, architektonických a urbanistických štúdií, územnoplánovacích prieskumov a rozborov, - b) vykonávanie komplexnej projektovej činnosti, najmä vypracúvanie architektonických návrhov a dokumentácie umiestňovania stavieb a ich zmien, projektovej dokumentácie stavieb a ich zmien, vrátane interiérov a exteriérov, ako aj rekonštrukcií a modernizácií budov a obnovy stavebných pamiatok, - c) spracovávanie územnoplánovacích podkladov a územnoplánovacej dokumentácie, - d) vykonávanie projektového a stavebného manažmentu, najmä riadenia projektu a koordinácie čiastkových projektov vypracovaných inžiniermi, krajinármi a inými špecialistami a výkon autorského dohľadu nad realizačnými projektmi a vykonávanie stavebného dozoru, - e) grafické spracúvánie a modelovanie architektonického diela, vrátane vypracúvania špecifikácií a technickej dokumentácie, - f) poskytovanie súvisiacich technických služieb, najmä poskytovanie architektonického poradenstva investorom a vlastníkom nehnuteľností, zastupovanie investora pri príprave a uskutočňovaní stavieb, - g) vyhotovovanie odborných posudkov, odhadov a dobrozdaní
Certifikovaný porotce
Lenka Blechová

Architecture and architectural visualisations

Certifikovaný porotce
Denny Setiawan

We design low rise designed housing and hospitality

Certifikovaný porotce
Mario Botta
MARIO BOTTA ARCHITETTI Official representative of the Holy See of the Vatican State in the INSPIRELI AWARDS international jury Architecture
MARIO BOTTA ARCHITETTI Official representative of the Holy See of the Vatican State in the INSPIRELI AWARDS international jury Architecture

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