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Certifikovaný porotce
Thiago de Souza
Architecture and Urban Planning
Architecture and Urban Planning
Certifikovaný porotce
Ezzeddin Alasali
Create a sustainable and eco-friendly structures with innovative methodologies and materials.
Create a sustainable and eco-friendly structures with innovative methodologies and materials.
Certifikovaný porotce

My architectural focus is on concept development and choice of materials.

Certifikovaný porotce
Mohammed Al-Nisafi
My architectural focus is on creating unique and sustainable designs that fulfill the needs of occupants and seamlessly integrate with the surrounding urban environment. I strive to go beyond conventional practices, delivering visually striking and functionally efficient designs. Sustainability is at the core of my philosophy, incorporating renewable energy sources and green spaces to minimize ecological impact. I also value context and aim to blend my designs with the local culture and heritage, enhancing the overall urban experience. With innovation, sustainability, and contextual sensitivity, I create inspiring spaces that enrich lives.
My architectural focus is on creating unique and sustainable designs that fulfill the needs of occupants and seamlessly integrate with the surrounding urban environment. I strive to go beyond conventional practices, delivering visually striking and functionally efficient designs. Sustainability is at the core of my philosophy, incorporating renewable energy sources and green spaces to minimize ecological impact. I also value context and aim to blend my designs with the local culture and heritage, enhancing the overall urban experience. With innovation, sustainability, and contextual sensitivity, I create inspiring spaces that enrich lives.
Certifikovaný porotce
Sophie Topajian
Landscape architecture Urban planning
Landscape architecture Urban planning
Certifikovaný porotce

Arhitectural glass projects

Certifikovaný porotce
Arun Kapur
To train students in architecture for future sustainable habitats and to make the earth a better place for everyone.
To train students in architecture for future sustainable habitats and to make the earth a better place for everyone.
Certifikovaný porotce
Vikas Pawar
I'm an architect and urban designer with a special interest in sustainability. My award winning thesis project titled Eco-skyscraper done in 2011 has been published in 5+ print and 50+ digital publications. It was also exhibited at Degree & Profession Virtual Expo, Florence, Italy. I also delivered two TEDx talks about climate responsive architecture and sustainable design. I founded Rethinking The Future in 2012 with the mission to bring out the most innovative designs from across the world to the forefront, and today it is amongst the leading architecture and design platforms worldwide.
I'm an architect and urban designer with a special interest in sustainability. My award winning thesis project titled Eco-skyscraper done in 2011 has been published in 5+ print and 50+ digital publications. It was also exhibited at Degree & Profession Virtual Expo, Florence, Italy. I also delivered two TEDx talks about climate responsive architecture and sustainable design. I founded Rethinking The Future in 2012 with the mission to bring out the most innovative designs from across the world to the forefront, and today it is amongst the leading architecture and design platforms worldwide.
Certifikovaný porotce
Josef Kala
Czech Republic
Certifikovaný porotce
Sujana Villafane Bohac

Originally from Venezuela, recently got a Master from the Czech Technical University in the field of Architecture and Urbanism. She is focused on the development of social realities through the architectonic fact also interested in the relationship of the architecture and arts, and how to make our realities better in a sustainable way for our planet.

Certifikovaný porotce
Rasha El Zeiny
Sustainable interior architecture spaces, & story telling spaces.
Sustainable interior architecture spaces, & story telling spaces.
Certifikovaný porotce
Mahsa Hazbi

Sustainability, Ecology

Certifikovaný porotce
Tibor Csukás
Interiérové návrhy a realizace - residenční, nájemní bydlení, krátkodobé ubytování, kanceláře, služby, občanská výstavba a veřejné interiéry. Návrhy rodinných domů, bytové výstavby a dalších staveb.
Czech Republic
Certifikovaný porotce
Julieta Chester

Respect for the land we habitate

Certifikovaný porotce
Pavel Salák
Architektonické návrhy a projektové práce všech stupňů dokumentace včetně inženýrské činnosti v rámci projektů rozličných měřítek od urbanismu, bytové výstavby až po rodinné domy a interiéry. V minulém roce jsme vytvořili odnož vlastního drobného developmentu.
Czech Republic

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