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Certifikovaný porotce
Nimra Qazi

Nimra Qazi is an Architect by profession, an entrepreneur, design thinker and a global shaper for the World Economic Forum (WEF) who is driven by the functional, spatial and technological advancement of our built environment for sustainable living through Eco-Friendly design solutions.

Certifikovaný porotce
Eliise Harjak
Public, residential, hospitality, heritage, modern
Public, residential, hospitality, heritage, modern
Certifikovaný porotce
Jelena Ristić Trajković

Jelena Ristić Trajković is an architect, educator and author. She holds a Ph.D. degree in Architecture within the field of Architectural Design and Contemporary Architecture (2016). Ristic Trajkovic is an Assistant Professor at the Department for Architecture, University of Belgrade – Faculty of Architecture, Serbia, where she is involved in architectural design courses. She also teaches Design Methodology at the Faculty of Applied Arts in Belgrade. Her main research focus is on design methodology, design education, social and ecological aspects of design, environment and behavior theories in architectural design and heritage protection, and in particular on appropriate methods to understand different urban narratives. She is involved in several national and international research projects with topics mainly focused on modern heritage, urban narratives, housing, and sustainability.

Certifikovaný porotce
Hadeer Merza
Housing and place making, urban design
Housing and place making, urban design
Certifikovaný porotce

Modern architecture projects in a historic urban environment


Modern architecture projects in a historic urban environment

Certifikovaný porotce
Omid Abbassi

"Architecture is a dangerous mixture of power and impotence."

( Rem Koolhaas )

Certifikovaný porotce
Amir Reza Goudarzi
A critical look at theoretical concepts related to the philosophy of phenomenology in the field of architecture while using current technology and knowledge to process and experience lived in the virtual environment. Experience virtual phenomenology using virtual reality technology and holograms. Understanding architecture from two conceptual perspectives of „productive essence“ and „changeable nature“. Recognizing social harms and finding the right question in the context of urban and cultural concerns and answering it by using flexible techniques in architecture so that the audience plays the main role in recognizing and achieving the final goal without the intervention of dominant ideas by the architect.
A critical look at theoretical concepts related to the philosophy of phenomenology in the field of architecture while using current technology and knowledge to process and experience lived in the virtual environment. Experience virtual phenomenology using virtual reality technology and holograms. Understanding architecture from two conceptual perspectives of „productive essence“ and „changeable nature“. Recognizing social harms and finding the right question in the context of urban and cultural concerns and answering it by using flexible techniques in architecture so that the audience plays the main role in recognizing and achieving the final goal without the intervention of dominant ideas by the architect.
Certifikovaný porotce
Michal Zábranský
Concept Design - Vizualizace a Animace+ Interiérový Design
Czech Republic
Certifikovaný porotce
Bardha Meta
Landscape Architecture, Public Spaces,
Landscape Architecture, Public Spaces,
Certifikovaný porotce
Anusha Thati

Industrial and residential projects with a design appoach of  innovative, lively, and sustainable cities for people.

Certifikovaný porotce
Iftikhar Ali

Sustainable Architecture, Architectural Theories, Resposive Architectural and Urban Spaces, Professional Practice, Restoration of Heritage Buildings, 

Certifikovaný porotce
Basic Design, Sustainable Design, Sustainable Landscapes, AI in architectural Design, Design Analytics
Basic Design, Sustainable Design, Sustainable Landscapes, AI in architectural Design, Design Analytics
Certifikovaný porotce
Eva Lövenhöferová
Evalofa je studio interiérových architektů s vlastní stavební firmou. Zaměřuji se především na funkční interiér, styl a osobitost.
Czech Republic
Certifikovaný porotce
Muhammad Akbar

My special architectural focus would be on the residential projects, I can say that I run an Architectural Consultancy "Riaz Associates" in Pakistan for 30 years (1984 -2014), in the city of Lahore, one of the most populated city of the country and the capital of the biggest province 'Punjab'.

  My interest was on individual housing and the housing schemes projects. My focus was on to design custom homes for the particular clients according to their family requirements, budget with the environment of the location. My primary interest was on a practical, well lighted and a space full of comfort. I attended many juries in different universities in Pakistan.

  With my experience and interest in reading magazines, I started publishing an architectural and art magazine (quarterly) "Designers Style" in 2011 as publisher and editor in chief and it is running till today. It is one of the top 3 publications in the country and I am honoured that it has articles from around the world and is sent to many places outside the country. Because of my dual nationality I travelled a lot to many places especially Canada and I moved to Toronto in 2014. I am managing my magazine team from here and to learn more I got admission in Ryerson University, Chang School of Continuing Education in the subject of publishing in 2017. You can visit online at

   I moved to Calgary now in Nov.2019, to explore life and style of west of Canada and US.

Certifikovaný porotce
Diego Kahe

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