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Less is more, My firm is located in Querétaro, an important city in México.
heritage conservation, traditional architecture, sustainability assessment
James Wright is a Fellow of the American Institute of Architects, and a founding Board Director and current Immediate Past President of the AIA International Region. He is a past Chair of the AIA International Practice Committee Advisory Group, active with the IPCAG since 2011. He is currently very involved with the International Union of Architects (UIA); he led the AIA delegation to the 2017 UIA Assembly in Seoul, and currently serves as UIA Professional Practice Commission Co-Director.
Over his career, Wright has led the design and project management of over US$6 billion of building construction and has conducted innumerable planning and feasibility studies in over 40 countries spanning every continent except Antarctica. With an unusually broad grasp of architectural practice, every year since 1979 he has been engaged in the marketing, managing, design, and delivery of exemplary architectural design services worldwide. His sensitivity to the local culture and traditions of each project setting is strongly reflected in his program-driven building designs.
My architecture focuses on the adaptation of each project in its own context with its own particular story. Also, my projects focus on humanity and climate change since architecture is for everyone, not just for privilege people. Therefore, the role of an architect is not only to build for rich and capable people, yet to everyone using specific architectural systems that will adapt to a specific situation.
Elegance in design is crucial. However, there are many different ingredients assembeled all together in order to result with a good architectural project, and the social aspect is a major part of any project as well as sustainiblity and most importantly, the respect of nature and history.
In our firm Zein Engineering we focus on several issues in the world such as scarcity of ressources, refugee crisis, displacement, immigration, poverty...etc.Well, Architecture could be the driving force to solve numerous problems in the world. Also, Zein Eng. is recently commissioning several mega projects in Lebanon and the Gulf countries working with high-end projects and providing the best architecture possible for the client, for the context, and for society.