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Mr. Rien Tan Kwon Chong is a full time project architect and a part-time travel blogger. Rien graduated with honors from UCSI Univesity (bachelor Degree in Architecture) and Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (Master in Architecture) in year 2013 & 2015. Upon graduating, he travelled to Osaka, Taipei & New York where he worked with architecture firms to take up challenges on future residences and offices design. In Year 2016, he emerged as the winner for Asian Young Designer Award, beating 11 other participants from other Asian countries. In year 2018, Rien has been shortlisted as the Top 50 finalist in the International Inspirelli Design Award. Rien is now based in KL focusing on high-rise design in W Design Associates. His passion towards architectural field and the society were spread through his design studio namely Rien Atelier and the other public sharing session.
• Winner of architecture competiton: Collège Alain à Carcasonne - Atelier d'architecture Emmanuel Nebout.
• Designer at a new Royal Palace in Paris. (Consultant architect on site, current Job)
-3D rendering/ Architecture presentation
-Architectural concepts
-Interior Design/ Luxury interiors
-Green Buildings/ Sustainablity
-Technology & innovation in architecture
My research activity deals with various aspects of the Architectural Technology. The main themes tackled are considered as different facets of a scientific interest, which deals with processes of formation, transformation and maintenance of the built environment, in its most varied manifestations. The main research interests are: Architectural Heritage; Rural and Vernacular Architecture; Environmental Architectural Design; Sustainability in Architecture.
spatial planning and urban networks; architectural education
Architectural Education to be meaningful for society
Large scale Urban Design & Educational Campuses.
Give priority to the protection of nature and human comfort in all of my designs
Use local materials and integrate projects into their environment