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Certifikovaný porotce
Yana Yang
I hold a Master of Science in Design in Advanced Architectural Design from the University of Pennsylvania. I am pursuing a PhD focused on carbon—and energy-reducing design, which has significantly shaped my artistic approach.My design focuses on how buildings can integrate seamlessly with their environment to enhance sustainability and energy efficiency. Morphology, geometry, and performance-based design are central to my work. I am particularly inspired by how a building's energy performance shapes its form and how the natural environment interacts with and negotiates the structure's shape. This dynamic relationship between architecture and its surroundings guides my approach as I strive to create designs that are both efficient and in harmony with nature. My design work has been featured in international magazines and books, and I have been invited to numerous conferences and exhibitions to share my ideas and present my work.
I hold a Master of Science in Design in Advanced Architectural Design from the University of Pennsylvania. I am pursuing a PhD focused on carbon—and energy-reducing design, which has significantly shaped my artistic approach.My design focuses on how buildings can integrate seamlessly with their environment to enhance sustainability and energy efficiency. Morphology, geometry, and performance-based design are central to my work. I am particularly inspired by how a building's energy performance shapes its form and how the natural environment interacts with and negotiates the structure's shape. This dynamic relationship between architecture and its surroundings guides my approach as I strive to create designs that are both efficient and in harmony with nature. My design work has been featured in international magazines and books, and I have been invited to numerous conferences and exhibitions to share my ideas and present my work.
Certifikovaný porotce
Tomasz Głowacki

architecture of place, architecture of context,

architecture of absence as creating architecture invisible / little visible in space (emptiness in architecture)

Certifikovaný porotce
Khaled Fantar
My architectural focus is born from the sensations generated by a space. Proven ability to find functional design solutions.As an interior designer, i'm skilled in color combinations, area improvement, and use of materials and illumination, driving innovative and personalized creations.
My architectural focus is born from the sensations generated by a space. Proven ability to find functional design solutions.As an interior designer, i'm skilled in color combinations, area improvement, and use of materials and illumination, driving innovative and personalized creations.
Certifikovaný porotce
Debanjana Chatterjee
Certifikovaný porotce
Iftikhar Ali
Sustainable Architecture
Sustainable Architecture
Certifikovaný porotce
Elsa Abi Ramia

My main focus is architecture in motion and sustainable architecture. As an architect and a dancer, I believe that every space should be perceived from its 4th dimensions, where the Human aspect constitutes the 4th dimension. My aim is to create and ensure harmony and interaction between humans and the architectural environment. As a young architect, my goal is to never stop dreaming... despite the hardships and tumultuous situation in our country at the moment, I think that in the world of architecture nothing is impossible, anything you can imagine can be turned into reality.

Certifikovaný porotce
Shehan Dasanayake
I believe that the proper design of each space improves the quality of the user's life. I have the ability, willingness, to listen and try to understand the viewpoints of others. I’m clear that I want to pursue architecture. Because it will enable me to combine the strongest aspect of my personality, a fascination with functional art and design.
Sri lankan
I believe that the proper design of each space improves the quality of the user's life. I have the ability, willingness, to listen and try to understand the viewpoints of others. I’m clear that I want to pursue architecture. Because it will enable me to combine the strongest aspect of my personality, a fascination with functional art and design.
Certifikovaný porotce
Ondřej Chudý
architecture and urbanism, city development
Czech Republic
Certifikovaný porotce
Fereshteh Haji Gholami
Architecture, Interior Design, Product Design, Sustainable Architecture and product
Architecture, Interior Design, Product Design, Sustainable Architecture and product
Certifikovaný porotce
Oldrich Bulla
Projektant pozemných stavieb Certified passive house designer
Certifikovaný porotce
David Ricardo

Design, building science, and digital architecture 

Certifikovaný porotce
Dagmar Sukopová
Architekt zaměřený na udržitelné a biofilní stavby, se specializací na zelené střechy. Momentálně v rámci doktorského studia analyzuji stavební procesy a přínosy environmentálně šetrných střech.
Czech Republic
Architekt zaměřený na udržitelné a biofilní stavby, se specializací na zelené střechy. Momentálně v rámci doktorského studia analyzuji stavební procesy a přínosy environmentálně šetrných střech.
Certifikovaný porotce
Noureldin Mohamed

I,m Chairperson of the Culture and Heritgae Commission of The Africa Union of Architect


I,m Chairperson of the Culture and Heritgae Commission of The Africa Union of Architect

Certifikovaný porotce
History of the Spanish contemporary architecture
History of the Spanish contemporary architecture
Certifikovaný porotce
Mustafa Eyyamoğlu
History of ArchitectureCultural HeritageOttoman Cyprus ArchitectureVernacular ArchitectureBritish Cyprus Architecture Cyprus Architectural Heritage
History of ArchitectureCultural HeritageOttoman Cyprus ArchitectureVernacular ArchitectureBritish Cyprus Architecture Cyprus Architectural Heritage

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