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Certifikovaný porotce
Shahzore Afridi

I am focused on functional design in architecture. However, my design processes involve a vast variety of basic design principle, yet I aim at the final outcome to be calm, attractive and pyschologically peaceful for users.

Certifikovaný porotce
Hafsa Qureshi
By exploring the orifices of the natural world, reflections of observations are generated. These are the spaces thatgenerate a connection or a praxisto the promontories of the sacredEarth. They aid in creating a natural phenomenon and while doing so they lead to a revelation of a sacred experience, for me that experience isArchitecture.It is an invitation for the developmentof individual and communal praxis in the earth which is always a verysacred space and to be rooted intothe cultural and traditional typologiesyet have a presence of its own.
By exploring the orifices of the natural world, reflections of observations are generated. These are the spaces thatgenerate a connection or a praxisto the promontories of the sacredEarth. They aid in creating a natural phenomenon and while doing so they lead to a revelation of a sacred experience, for me that experience isArchitecture.It is an invitation for the developmentof individual and communal praxis in the earth which is always a verysacred space and to be rooted intothe cultural and traditional typologiesyet have a presence of its own.
Certifikovaný porotce
Krzysztof Rostański

Associated professor at Faculty of Architecture, Silesian University of Technology, Poland. Main areas of scientific interest - landscape design, urban design, theory in architecture. Owner of design studio Pracownia HORTUS. In 1996 obtained his Ph.D. with thesis: Rebuilding of the greenery of densely populated settlements in industrial cities of Upper Silesia, Katowice case study, with the use of computer method of plant selection. In 2014 DSc degree upon monograph: Modelled nature - naturalistic elements in urban planning. Commission for conservation of historical greenery. Author of 54 and co-author of 11 scientific publications (5 individual monographs), 16 scientific notifications, 5 popular books and other publications. Author of 162 landscape architecture designs, 14 expertises and 41 greenery inventories (including 2 inventories of botanical garden in Zabrze). Leading designer of 29 designs of new parks and squares. Main works: Recomposition of greenery of two districts - Ligota and Koszutka in Katowice; Conception plan for Silesian Botanical Garden in Mikolow; co-author of multi-option conception plan for development of postindustrial area of „Turow” brown coal mine, Belchatow; Greenery for Akademicka Street in Gliwice; Hill Antonia Park - zinc spoil heap in Ruda Śląska; park of Silesian Center for Rehabilitation and Health in Rabka; co-author of Greenery design for Copernicus Science Centre in Warszawa - Discovery Park and Garden on the roof. Recent monograph: Connotations in architecture - On the Art of Observation of Associations Drawn from Culture.


Associated professor at Faculty of Architecture, Silesian University of Technology, Poland. Main areas of scientific interest - landscape design, urban design, theory in architecture. Owner of design studio Pracownia HORTUS. In 1996 obtained his Ph.D. with thesis: Rebuilding of the greenery of densely populated settlements in industrial cities of Upper Silesia, Katowice case study, with the use of computer method of plant selection. In 2014 DSc degree upon monograph: Modelled nature - naturalistic elements in urban planning. Commission for conservation of historical greenery. Author of 54 and co-author of 11 scientific publications (5 individual monographs), 16 scientific notifications, 5 popular books and other publications. Author of 162 landscape architecture designs, 14 expertises and 41 greenery inventories (including 2 inventories of botanical garden in Zabrze). Leading designer of 29 designs of new parks and squares. Main works: Recomposition of greenery of two districts - Ligota and Koszutka in Katowice; Conception plan for Silesian Botanical Garden in Mikolow; co-author of multi-option conception plan for development of postindustrial area of „Turow” brown coal mine, Belchatow; Greenery for Akademicka Street in Gliwice; Hill Antonia Park - zinc spoil heap in Ruda Śląska; park of Silesian Center for Rehabilitation and Health in Rabka; co-author of Greenery design for Copernicus Science Centre in Warszawa - Discovery Park and Garden on the roof. Recent monograph: Connotations in architecture - On the Art of Observation of Associations Drawn from Culture.

Certifikovaný porotce
İmge Polat
Architectural Design, Urban Design, Public Buildings, Co-Housing, Socio-Cultural Sustainability
Architectural Design, Urban Design, Public Buildings, Co-Housing, Socio-Cultural Sustainability
Certifikovaný porotce
Lea Pavlovic

My architectural focus is developing concepts using contemporary methods, theories, and programs, while  researching them throughout all architectural phases that transfer the ideas to reality.

I am an architect and interior designer, reasearching the theme of biological materials in architecture.

Certifikovaný porotce


Certifikovaný porotce
Elio Charara

Modern or combination of old and modern architecture 

nice space

nice lighting


Modern or combination of old and modern architecture 

nice space

nice lighting

Certifikovaný porotce
Sydney Ngoma

Certified Examiner 

Certifikovaný porotce
Joseph Kologo

Mes conceptions sont orientées à travaers un mélange de matériaux locaux et divers materiaux contemporains du monde.

Certifikovaný porotce

It is very important, before a person begins to plan for the implementation of any building, that all the surrounding natural influences are evaluated from the topography, green areas, customs, traditions, climate and other features that will affect the determination of the most appropriate elements of the building, such as geographical orientation, geometric shape, materials used, openings, etc.

Certifikovaný porotce
Viktoriya Bazylevych
Contemporary architecture.Sustainable architecture.
Contemporary architecture.Sustainable architecture.
Certifikovaný porotce
Anzhelika Urbash
Design interieru
Czech Republic
Design interieru
Certifikovaný porotce
Iman Mirshojaeian Hosseini
Architecture Interior Architecture Energy
Architecture Interior Architecture Energy
Certifikovaný porotce
Kateřina Pečeňová
návrhy interiérů, rekonstrukce, bytů, rodinných domů, kanceláří
Czech Republic
Certifikovaný porotce
Yanci Chen
Sciences; Retail + Consumer Experience; Office Developers
United States of America
Sciences; Retail + Consumer Experience; Office Developers

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