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Certifikovaný porotce
Iftikhar Ali
Sustainable Architecture
Sustainable Architecture
Certifikovaný porotce
Amir Kolivand


Residential architecture in difficult conditions
Along with nature
Sustainable Architecture

Certifikovaný porotce
Francesca Vittorini

Young Italian architect and engineer, currently working as an architect in Rotterdam.

Still a student, she won an international competition to build a school in Ghana. Widely published, her project received several notable awards and in 2017 it has been named by Designboom as one of the top 10 school projects in the world. Winner of Inspireli awards "Wings of the future" in 2018.


Young Italian architect and engineer, currently working as an architect in Rotterdam.

Still a student, she won an international competition to build a school in Ghana. Widely published, her project received several notable awards and in 2017 it has been named by Designboom as one of the top 10 school projects in the world. Winner of Inspireli awards "Wings of the future" in 2018.

Certifikovaný porotce

Architecture should be like art . It is beautiful or not, you like it or not. Whit out any explaining why it looks like this , because of the impact on environment or because of some sociological aspects or ...

Certifikovaný porotce
Blerta Vula
Design / Sustainability
Design / Sustainability
Certifikovaný porotce
Záviš Unzeitig
Computational design, Robotická fabrikace
Czech Republic
Certifikovaný porotce
Oren Lieberman

I have developed a wide-ranging practice, as an architect, teacher, writer, publisher, and initiator and curator of events and exhibitions. I have taught widely in the UK and elsewhere in Europe, including Sweden (Umeå) and Germany (Berlin, Bochum), where I had my own practice. My research focuses on performative practices which entangle knowledge, methodologies and techniques from various disciplines, including architecture, performance, geography, anthropology, and sociology. I am interested in the role architecture and its processes of production play in the construction of political practices and the establishment of the 'common'; in critical pedagogies inhering in embodied practices; and in research as intraventional. Much of my work in pedagogy and other areas of research draws particularly upon theories and views which are inclusive and nondual, performative in their diffractive mode, and are fundamentally about an ethical and responsible engagement with the making of the world with others.

Certifikovaný porotce
Chiara Rigotti

From 2002 to 2009 I was Coordinator of cooperation projects in Burkina Faso. With my associate study (2011-2012) I worked in Gabon and Morocco.

In the last 5 years I have been the sole manager of an architectural and construction firm called BIOARCHIRIGOTTI.

I have had a lot of work in Africa where the political situation has become unsustainable today. I'm used to solving problems in difficult situations, I like traveling even if I have daughters.

I built a € 1,000,000 cinema without site mechanization and won an award for an important research center built on the ground. I have always used only what I found on the spot in an advanced technical manner. I paid attention to natural energy, using natural ventilation techniques combined with sophisticated systems controlled by very simple software.

I used Odroid cards in rural areas with Android as software, training young illiterates with great success. 

Certifikovaný porotce
Esterina Peka

Im focused on new expression of modern architecture .Green architecture and the new lines of intertwining them .

Creativity is important and the self expression of the inner world and the outer world of ourselves where the lines on the buildings and architecture express that part of our psychology and the self. Not undervaluating our role in the nature fauna and flora. 

That new architecture that brings some balance in the nowdays damaged nature and the modern selfis egocentric world of humans. The idea is to fulfill both sides not forgeting the other side either of the duo.

Certifikovaný porotce
Mohammad Golshan
on theories and history of architecturealso on phenomenology and critical theory in architecture and so on.
on theories and history of architecturealso on phenomenology and critical theory in architecture and so on.
Certifikovaný porotce
Iva Šmídová
Návrhuji a realizuji rezidenční interiéry, a zároveň učím ženy, jak si zařídit útulný domov. Mojí vášní je práce s půdorysem a vymýšlení praktických řešení s důrazem na detaily. Moje heslo je, že se vším se dá pracovat a útulný domov začíná na stavbě. Nakladatelství GRADA vydalo v říjnu 2022 moji knihu Útulný domov krok za krokem, která vás provede všemi fázemi zařizování nového, nebo úpravou stávajícího, domova. Knihu zakoupíte ve v každém dobrém knihkupectví. Věnuji se i psychologii prostoru a podvědomému vnímání prostoru kolem nás, které má přímý vliv na spokojenost v našich životech.
Czech Republic
Certifikovaný porotce
Marika Kurtishvili
Multi functional complexes, residential houses, rehabilitation and adaptation of cultural heritage movements
Multi functional complexes, residential houses, rehabilitation and adaptation of cultural heritage movements
Certifikovaný porotce
Jairo Galindo

My architectural approach is oriented in the structuring of the form.

Certifikovaný porotce
Philippe KLEIN

Philippe KLEIN, architect DPLG, is member of UNSFA National Board in charge of International Affairs, and delegate to Architects Council of Europe since 2009 and vice-president for 2018-2019, he is since 2018 General Secretary of CIAF the french section of UIA. 
Languages : French, English, German

CURRICULUM VITAE :Philippe KLEIN, is born the 7 June 1960 in Strasbourg.
Studied at the Ecole d'Architecture de Strasbourg from 1978 until 1984, in the workshops of Christian HUNZIKER and Gaétano PESCE. Graduated in 1984 (Director of Studies: Christian HUNZIKER - Members of the Jury: Gaétano PESCE - Max BACHER - Gilles DE BURE - Alexander TZIONIS).
Other training: Architecture of workplaces in 1985, Sustainable Development and Urban Environmental Quality in Construction and Planning in 2003- 2004.
Professional experiences:-  1981-1982: Architect's assistant for Patrick BOEHM, Architect DPLG in Strasbourg, bioclimatic and solar architectural projects.
-  1984: Architect's assistant for Christian HUNZIKER, Architect FAS.
-  1985: Planning Agency for the Strasbourg Conurbation. Study for reuse of industrial buildings.
-  1987: Architect's assistant for BIK Architecture in Strasbourg.
-  1988-1989: Branch manager at Emile Lugger Ingénierie Architecturale in Selestat, creation ofindustrial buildings, office buildings, homes and public buildings.
-  1990: Creation of the "Atelier d'Architecture Philippe Klein" in Strasbourg, located in Traenheim since 2013. Versatile agency working on a variety of projects in the private and public sectors, in new and redeployed collective housing, detached houses, social housing, hotels/catering, trade, public facilities, service industry and agriculture. Professional practice focusing on environmental initiatives, and consideration of the needs and requirements of sustainable development and material quality for all types of use.
- 2001: License to practice in Hesse - Germany.
-  2005: Appointed expert by the Court of Appeal of Colmar.
-  Since 2005: Lecturer at INSA Strasbourg, Architecture Section,
-  2007-2011: Lecturer at the University of Strasbourg, Faculty of Law. "Real estate trades"professional license.
-  2015-2018: Lecturer at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Nancy,  –“The architects in Europe”.Professional and social activities:
-  2002: Participation in the creation of the Union of Architects of the Bas-Rhin.
-  2002-2008: President of the Union of Architects of the Bas-Rhin.
-  2003-2017: Member of the Board of CAM BTP Insurance Company,
-  Since 2004: Member of the Board of the Bas-Rhin-CAUE [Council of architecture, town planning and environment], since 2008 Secretary
-  Since 2004: Member of the Board of the Building Office of the Bas-Rhin - Vice President from 2004 to 2008 and since 2012.
-  2007: Participation in the creation of the Union of Alsace Architects Unions.
-  2007-2009: President of the Union of Architects Alsace Unions.
-  2009-2011: President of UNSFA - National Union of French Architects Unions.
-  Since 2009 : UNSFA delegate to ACE
-  Since 2009: UNSFA delegate to the International Council of French Architects (CIAF), Vice President 2011-2014, President 2015-2017, since 2018 General Secretary
- Since 2011: UNSFA member of board in charge of International Affairs -2018-2019: Vice-President of ACE


Philippe KLEIN, architect DPLG, is member of UNSFA National Board in charge of International Affairs, and delegate to Architects Council of Europe since 2009 and vice-president for 2018-2019, he is since 2018 General Secretary of CIAF the french section of UIA. 
Languages : French, English, German

CURRICULUM VITAE :Philippe KLEIN, is born the 7 June 1960 in Strasbourg.
Studied at the Ecole d'Architecture de Strasbourg from 1978 until 1984, in the workshops of Christian HUNZIKER and Gaétano PESCE. Graduated in 1984 (Director of Studies: Christian HUNZIKER - Members of the Jury: Gaétano PESCE - Max BACHER - Gilles DE BURE - Alexander TZIONIS).
Other training: Architecture of workplaces in 1985, Sustainable Development and Urban Environmental Quality in Construction and Planning in 2003- 2004.
Professional experiences:-  1981-1982: Architect's assistant for Patrick BOEHM, Architect DPLG in Strasbourg, bioclimatic and solar architectural projects.
-  1984: Architect's assistant for Christian HUNZIKER, Architect FAS.
-  1985: Planning Agency for the Strasbourg Conurbation. Study for reuse of industrial buildings.
-  1987: Architect's assistant for BIK Architecture in Strasbourg.
-  1988-1989: Branch manager at Emile Lugger Ingénierie Architecturale in Selestat, creation ofindustrial buildings, office buildings, homes and public buildings.
-  1990: Creation of the "Atelier d'Architecture Philippe Klein" in Strasbourg, located in Traenheim since 2013. Versatile agency working on a variety of projects in the private and public sectors, in new and redeployed collective housing, detached houses, social housing, hotels/catering, trade, public facilities, service industry and agriculture. Professional practice focusing on environmental initiatives, and consideration of the needs and requirements of sustainable development and material quality for all types of use.
- 2001: License to practice in Hesse - Germany.
-  2005: Appointed expert by the Court of Appeal of Colmar.
-  Since 2005: Lecturer at INSA Strasbourg, Architecture Section,
-  2007-2011: Lecturer at the University of Strasbourg, Faculty of Law. "Real estate trades"professional license.
-  2015-2018: Lecturer at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Nancy,  –“The architects in Europe”.Professional and social activities:
-  2002: Participation in the creation of the Union of Architects of the Bas-Rhin.
-  2002-2008: President of the Union of Architects of the Bas-Rhin.
-  2003-2017: Member of the Board of CAM BTP Insurance Company,
-  Since 2004: Member of the Board of the Bas-Rhin-CAUE [Council of architecture, town planning and environment], since 2008 Secretary
-  Since 2004: Member of the Board of the Building Office of the Bas-Rhin - Vice President from 2004 to 2008 and since 2012.
-  2007: Participation in the creation of the Union of Alsace Architects Unions.
-  2007-2009: President of the Union of Architects Alsace Unions.
-  2009-2011: President of UNSFA - National Union of French Architects Unions.
-  Since 2009 : UNSFA delegate to ACE
-  Since 2009: UNSFA delegate to the International Council of French Architects (CIAF), Vice President 2011-2014, President 2015-2017, since 2018 General Secretary
- Since 2011: UNSFA member of board in charge of International Affairs -2018-2019: Vice-President of ACE

Certifikovaný porotce
Dorji Penjor
Family Homes, Hill Design
Family Homes, Hill Design

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