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Town Planning Engineering I am,
Now I am Chief Executor Officer of SOLUJEC.
SOLUJEC is a company's locate in Cameroon.
Ar. Junaid Ahmed Khan - LEED AP ID+C - Int'l. Assoc. AIA
My Architectural Design focus mainly tends towards two major areas;
1. Research and practice in computational and parametric design. I'm currently experimenting and research in the most advanced parametric design tools while aiming to integrate these tools with important architectural design aspects such as shape and topology optimization, environmental and structural analysis.
2. Advanced Sustainable Design, for this reason I've been accredited as Pakistan's first LEED AP in Interior Design + Construction. My focus in this area is majorly on the latest construction technology and source material reduction in buildings.
Innovative design works based on the local traditional culture and history.
Historic conservation and restoration for the good intervention.
Searching for the integrity with authenticity.
Seeking for harmony with nature, culture, and human beings.
My architectural focus would be to incorporate building science. Correspondent at STUDIO Architecture and Urbanism magazine; Contributing Writer.