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Academic, Director of the School of Architecture, Clemson University
Young Italian architect and engineer, currently working as an architect in Rotterdam.
Still a student, she won an international competition to build a school in Ghana. Widely published, her project received several notable awards and in 2017 it has been named by Designboom as one of the top 10 school projects in the world. Winner of Inspireli awards "Wings of the future" in 2018.
Architect (FADU-UdelaR, 2017) Candidate for specialist (Diploma in Construction of Works of Architecture, FADU-UdelaR). Honorary Course Assistant of TFC in Taller Articardi. Teaching Assistant of Construction Institute (FADU-UdelaR), where I perform counseling tasks in quality plans for
the POMLP of UdelaR. Currently, my work as a researcher focuses in materials and systems innovative construction.
My architectural focus is to create 3d images to let the client feel there futur design on playing on there psychology...
Housing buildings, modernism in architecture, funcionality vs. aesthetics in architecture, technical details, tradition in nowdays