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Voting System

Jury Benefits

Certifikovaný porotce
Petr Fabík
Architektura, urbanismus, interier.
Czech Republic
Certifikovaný porotce
Juraj Ženiš
- residental architecture (5y focus in company)- civil architecture (academic focus, competitions and school projects) - integration of enviromental-friendly concepts and materials into the cities (free time activity) - the impact of jurysdiction and laws on building cities and architecture (work as Structural Referee of local autority office)
- residental architecture (5y focus in company)- civil architecture (academic focus, competitions and school projects) - integration of enviromental-friendly concepts and materials into the cities (free time activity) - the impact of jurysdiction and laws on building cities and architecture (work as Structural Referee of local autority office)
Certifikovaný porotce
Ernesto Santos
Estúdio 95 é um estúdio global de arquitetura, urbanismo e design sustentável, fundado por Ernesto Dos Santos em 2015. Desde então, ele e a equipe a seu redor estabeleceram uma prática internacional com reputação mundial. Com escritórios sediado na Cidade de Maputo, trabalhamos como um estúdio único, étnico e cult.diversamente.
Estúdio 95 é um estúdio global de arquitetura, urbanismo e design sustentável, fundado por Ernesto Dos Santos em 2015. Desde então, ele e a equipe a seu redor estabeleceram uma prática internacional com reputação mundial. Com escritórios sediado na Cidade de Maputo, trabalhamos como um estúdio único, étnico e cult.diversamente.
Certifikovaný porotce
Lenka Stádníková
Návrhy interiérů a realizace, 3D vizualizace, konzultace
Czech Republic
Certifikovaný porotce
Ahmed Farea Al Sharjabi
Urban design StudiesArchitecture Studios Reconstruction After Natural disaster Conservation and Restoration
Urban design StudiesArchitecture Studios Reconstruction After Natural disaster Conservation and Restoration
Certifikovaný porotce
Ardit Qereshniku
Dream Big
Dream Big
Certifikovaný porotce
Jan Sikora
interior design: public spaces, residential
Certifikovaný porotce
Abdolrahman Kadkhodasalehi



Culture building

Certifikovaný porotce
Kristína Boháčová
Public buildings
Public buildings
Certifikovaný porotce
Abbas Reza Jaffery
Real Estate DevelopmentMixed Used High Rise Public HousingInterior Design
Real Estate DevelopmentMixed Used High Rise Public HousingInterior Design
Certifikovaný porotce
Tomas Durdis
Jsme společnost působící v oblasti investiční výstavby, kde poskytujeme klientům komplexní služby. Hlavní činností společnosti je vyhledávání investičních příležitostí, zhodnocení využitelnosti území i stávajících nemovitostí, zpracování kompletní projektové dokumentace včetně inženýringu i zajištení realizace staveb. Našimi klienty jsou multinárodní společnosti, státní organizace i privátní subjekty. Díky svým kvalifikačním předpokladům a modernímu technickému vybavení jsme schopni aktivní tvůrčí komunikace.
Czech Republic
Certifikovaný porotce
Yenner Suarez

Architecture, Design and urban planning 

Certifikovaný porotce
Michaela Škodová
Czech Republic
Certifikovaný porotce
Milan Kopeček
architektura, urbanismus, design, stavební právo
Czech Republic
Certifikovaný porotce
Alaeddin Noumi
I am a young architect driven by curiosity and passion for the multiple scales of architecture. My approach is to freely experiment with various design possibilities, to represent the perfect relationship between all parameters and to apply the new technologies to portray my ideas and vision.
I am a young architect driven by curiosity and passion for the multiple scales of architecture. My approach is to freely experiment with various design possibilities, to represent the perfect relationship between all parameters and to apply the new technologies to portray my ideas and vision.

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