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Jury Benefits

Certifikovaný porotce
Mehrnoush Ghodsi
I am an assistant professor and a member of the academic staff of the university (PH.D in architecture @IAU) and an expert in the field of sustainable architecture and optimization of energy consumption and energy audit in buildings.
I am an assistant professor and a member of the academic staff of the university (PH.D in architecture @IAU) and an expert in the field of sustainable architecture and optimization of energy consumption and energy audit in buildings.
Certifikovaný porotce
Shhilpi Sinha
As an architectural academician, my endeavour is to initiate the students into the field with definitive focus on traditional built forms and at the same time keep fpace with the technological trends. they need to sensitise themselves to the needs of the user groyups and provide contemporary solutions to their vclients.
As an architectural academician, my endeavour is to initiate the students into the field with definitive focus on traditional built forms and at the same time keep fpace with the technological trends. they need to sensitise themselves to the needs of the user groyups and provide contemporary solutions to their vclients.
Certifikovaný porotce

Industrial and Commercial Buildings.

Certifikovaný porotce
Štěpán Janů
Czech Republic
Certifikovaný porotce
Ali Mohammadzadeh

A strong believer in the ability of architecture and research combined with design thinking for strengthening our societies and having a positive effect on the world. Only together we can build a better future, therefore my communication and team working skills.

Certifikovaný porotce
Norbert Lichý
Czech Republic
Certifikovaný porotce
Jayraj Ghatge

Digital Tools

Parametric Architecture

Responsive and Kinetic Architecture

Computaional Design

Certifikovaný porotce
Ho-gyeum Kim
Seasoned architect with expertises in multiple uses, including Mixed-use highries, hospitality, academic, and housing.
Republic of Korea
Seasoned architect with expertises in multiple uses, including Mixed-use highries, hospitality, academic, and housing.
Certifikovaný porotce
Amir Armani Asl

Armani Architects is young and talented award winning collective of architects and designers network based in Tehran, Iran and currently led by Amir Armani Asl and Kiana Ghader.

Armani Architects was established with the aim of enhancing architecture and human experience by incorporating Iran’s authentic culture into our designs to respond to today’s community challenges. Established in 2018.  this office has produced award-winning architectural and interior design projects across Iran and other countries.

Certifikovaný porotce
Tanvir Morshed

Forms beyond reality.

Certifikovaný porotce
Alphonse Kai
Al Jazera Consultants Principal Professional settings
Al Jazera Consultants Principal Professional settings
Certifikovaný porotce
Thana Chirapiwat

Architectural design theory & philosophy, urban design, and urban planning, design technology, planning technology, design and planning innovation.

Certifikovaný porotce
Aniket Nagdive

As an Architectural Designer, I am drawn towards holistic designs that cultivate positive changes in the built environment. I believe in the ability of architecture, research and critical design thinking to create a better world. I have been blessed to involve with wide varieties of projects from commercial, public, residential architecture to art installations which shaped me into a skilled, thoughtful and conscientious designer.

Certifikovaný porotce
Peyman Kiani Falavarjani
Peyman Kiani Falavarjani was born on 10th June 1984, in Esfahan, Iran. He grew up in a family with an industrial background; therefore, he had to work in his father's workshop from childhood until the end of high school. But although he had good talent in the industry, he had loved buildings since he was a child. He holds a Bachelor of Architecture degree from Glastonbury University. Later in 2012, he completed his master's degree in architecture. He is passionate about designing buildings where people are happy, like a hotel, bars, and restaurants. He believes a good design in a place should make people want to be there many times or travel to that place. He considers the emotional connection between the space and its user a critical factor, followed by aesthetics, ergonomics, usability, and functionality, defining a good design. This is the perspective that forms his manifest as an architect. For more information, you can follow Peyman Kiani Falavarjani on Instagram at @peymankianiarchitects.In 2008, he established his studio, Peyman Kiani Architects (PKA). Since 2013, the group has focused exclusively on hotels, restaurants, and bars, which have resulted in many prosperous projects in Iran and other countries. More than 34 prizes from some international design awards have been achieved in these years.
Peyman Kiani Falavarjani was born on 10th June 1984, in Esfahan, Iran. He grew up in a family with an industrial background; therefore, he had to work in his father's workshop from childhood until the end of high school. But although he had good talent in the industry, he had loved buildings since he was a child. He holds a Bachelor of Architecture degree from Glastonbury University. Later in 2012, he completed his master's degree in architecture. He is passionate about designing buildings where people are happy, like a hotel, bars, and restaurants. He believes a good design in a place should make people want to be there many times or travel to that place. He considers the emotional connection between the space and its user a critical factor, followed by aesthetics, ergonomics, usability, and functionality, defining a good design. This is the perspective that forms his manifest as an architect. For more information, you can follow Peyman Kiani Falavarjani on Instagram at @peymankianiarchitects.In 2008, he established his studio, Peyman Kiani Architects (PKA). Since 2013, the group has focused exclusively on hotels, restaurants, and bars, which have resulted in many prosperous projects in Iran and other countries. More than 34 prizes from some international design awards have been achieved in these years.
Certifikovaný porotce
Ivana Volková
Zaměřuji se na rezidenční stavby menšího měřítka a také převážně na interiéry. Jak novostavby, tak rekonstrukce v rezidenčním sektoru, ale i v hotelovém a gastro odvětví. Na svém Youtube kanálu Let's be architects se zaměřuji na témata studia architektury a začátku kariéry, kde vycházím nejen ze svých zkušeností, ale v sérii rozhovorů O architektech, se snažím ptát na otázky ohledně studia (nejen) v zahraničí a začátcích kariéry i jiných architektů.
Czech Republic

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