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Focused on the very essence of inclusion and accessibility of urban fabrics to people all ages, colours, abilities and gender. Focused on the colourful architectural prospect which manifests itself over the face of our cities through accessible and inclusive design.
Architecture is imagining yourself in Realtime on site and thinking about user's need , having walkthrough in it, experiencing spaces before execution on site so that no problem should occurs for him/her in future.
I am interested in the field of new and optimum structural configurations and climate-sensitive building and their influences on architecture.
Devoted to experimental architecture and competitions as well as architecture and interior design. Guidelines in my creative process are sustainability, energy efficiency, technology, simplicity and human, tailor-made approach.
Hyunje joo based in Germany and Korea.
He graguated from Kunstakademie Duesseldorf with Distinction in Germany, where appointed as the Meisterschueler by architect Max Dudler.
He was awarded ‘Mercedes-benz Junge Kunst Award’ from the germany(Metropolregion Rhein-Ruhr), ‚FAMAB Young Talent Award 2017′ finalist in germany. and with the notable Silver prize A‘ International Design Award in Italia at Architecture, Building and Structure Design Competition.
worked at Capital Development Authority 1975-1976
started my own private practice BSF Design consultant’s 1976-date Consultancy for Pakistan Army And Navy schools.Interiordesigning of Private sector ,houses.
started low cost green architecture project at grassroot level .