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Olivier Leclercq
Architect, urbanist
Vice President of the House of Architecture Ile de France.
I studied architecture at UCL in Tournai (Belgium), at TU Karlsruhe in Germany, and urban planning at ENSA Lille. In parallel, I learned photography at the House of Culture Tournai. In 1997, I worked in London and Warsaw for the Ministry of Economy and Finance.
I worked for two years in Abidjan as an architect, partly for humanitarian projects.
I live and work in the Paris region, associated with Cyrille Hanappe to form AIR architecture office in 2001. We realize mixed urban projects, innovative housing, public buildings and integrate co-design with inhabitants in all our projects.
Since 2016, I am also Secretary General of Actes & Cités, an association for slum clearance and refugee reception.
In parallel, I continue a research at Ecole d’Architecture de La Villette about the valorization of the land by the users expertise in operations of urban prefigurations.
Building Science
My architectural focus is born from the sensations generated by a space. Whether open or closed, the interior and exterior factors are ordered and controlled by the design generating a particular atmosphere. The architecture must transmit something, and that something is decided by the architect, when it is relevant and well executed it becomes a great design.
improve human life. Create timeless, free, joyous spaces for all activities in life
Founder of Pilcrow Architects, I believe that architecture should combine logic, aesthetics and performance.
It is not about the design, but the logic of the design; not about the shape, but the performance of the shape and finally not about aesthetics but the adaptation of aesthetics to our daily use.