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My special architectural focus would be on the residential projects, I can say that I run an Architectural Consultancy "Riaz Associates" in Pakistan for 30 years (1984 -2014), in the city of Lahore, one of the most populated city of the country and the capital of the biggest province 'Punjab'.
My interest was on individual housing and the housing schemes projects. My focus was on to design custom homes for the particular clients according to their family requirements, budget with the environment of the location. My primary interest was on a practical, well lighted and a space full of comfort. I attended many juries in different universities in Pakistan.
With my experience and interest in reading magazines, I started publishing an architectural and art magazine (quarterly) "Designers Style" in 2011 as publisher and editor in chief and it is running till today. It is one of the top 3 publications in the country and I am honoured that it has articles from around the world and is sent to many places outside the country. Because of my dual nationality I travelled a lot to many places especially Canada and I moved to Toronto in 2014. I am managing my magazine team from here and to learn more I got admission in Ryerson University, Chang School of Continuing Education in the subject of publishing in 2017. You can visit online at
I moved to Calgary now in Nov.2019, to explore life and style of west of Canada and US.
I'm architect I have bessinese structure and stone
Nicolas Turchi is a designer currently working at Zaha Hadid Architects and a Digital Futures PhD scholar at Tongji University. Nicolas holds a Master in Architecture II from the Harvard Graduate School of Design and a Bachelor of Architecture from the University of Bologna. He has worked for several firms including Eisenman Architects, Xefirotarch, Mario Cucinella Architects and 5+1AA. Nicolas is particularly interested in emergent technologies and how they affect the theoretical aspect of the discipline. Nicolas has also been studying the relationship between architecture and philosophy and graduated with a thesis on Time and Space in architecture, influenced by the thoughts of Henri Bergson and Edmund Husserl.
the most im interessted in is .
sketching .
Modeling , Rendering architecture scene and animation .
also Postproduction and presenation .