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Jury Benefits

Certifikovaný porotce
Erik Petrus
In addition to the Czech Republic, I also design buildings in Indonesia, where several of my projects are currently being under construction. I design buildings of various scales, from small buildings to large ensembles. From residential projects to commercial, cultural, civic and religious buildings. In addition to designing, I also engage in theoretical and research activities. On a theoretical level, I investigate spatial aspects of the impact of architectural space on people and the transformation of spaces in the course of history across different cultures. In my research, I focus on the typology of residential buildings and sustainable development. And that mainly by the typology of townhouses, as a certain way of urban living. I lecture about my projects, theories and research at universities, conferences, debates all over the world.
Czech Republic
In addition to the Czech Republic, I also design buildings in Indonesia, where several of my projects are currently being under construction. I design buildings of various scales, from small buildings to large ensembles. From residential projects to commercial, cultural, civic and religious buildings. In addition to designing, I also engage in theoretical and research activities. On a theoretical level, I investigate spatial aspects of the impact of architectural space on people and the transformation of spaces in the course of history across different cultures. In my research, I focus on the typology of residential buildings and sustainable development. And that mainly by the typology of townhouses, as a certain way of urban living. I lecture about my projects, theories and research at universities, conferences, debates all over the world.
Certifikovaný porotce
Valeriia Ilicheva
I am an owner of interior design agency and in parallel I am working as an architect-urbanist at Electra (installer of public fast charge solution for electrics cars)
I am an owner of interior design agency and in parallel I am working as an architect-urbanist at Electra (installer of public fast charge solution for electrics cars)
Certifikovaný porotce
Mitra Naghdi Vishteh

Interior design

facade design 



Interior design

facade design 


Certifikovaný porotce
Rada Doytcheva
Better lives, by design: Doing rational (not excessive) architecture that serves directly people's needs. Efficient planning is key to sustainability and equity of resources across the board. another focus: raising the leadership role of the architect, lost in today's world; giving more women a chance to have meaningful role in the profession.
Better lives, by design: Doing rational (not excessive) architecture that serves directly people's needs. Efficient planning is key to sustainability and equity of resources across the board. another focus: raising the leadership role of the architect, lost in today's world; giving more women a chance to have meaningful role in the profession.
Certifikovaný porotce
Vít Lopatovský
Zaměřuji se na různé typy a formy staveb. Od malých až po velké, od exteriéru po interiér.
Czech Republic
Certifikovaný porotce
Kinga Racoń-Leja
urbanism, urban design
urbanism, urban design
Certifikovaný porotce
Ayesha Malik

I have served in this profession for over a decade as an academacician and have been working as a practicioner in field as well. I have always focused on how bringing nature close to the humans daily activities and spaces by making them part of it as nature has a magical answer for many problems from healing to calmness, from energy saving to mood bootness etc. I belief you can do wonders with it. 


I have served in this profession for over a decade as an academacician and have been working as a practicioner in field as well. I have always focused on how bringing nature close to the humans daily activities and spaces by making them part of it as nature has a magical answer for many problems from healing to calmness, from energy saving to mood bootness etc. I belief you can do wonders with it. 

Certifikovaný porotce
Amir Reza Goudarzi
A critical look at theoretical concepts related to the philosophy of phenomenology in the field of architecture while using current technology and knowledge to process and experience lived in the virtual environment. Experience virtual phenomenology using virtual reality technology and holograms. Understanding architecture from two conceptual perspectives of „productive essence“ and „changeable nature“. Recognizing social harms and finding the right question in the context of urban and cultural concerns and answering it by using flexible techniques in architecture so that the audience plays the main role in recognizing and achieving the final goal without the intervention of dominant ideas by the architect.
A critical look at theoretical concepts related to the philosophy of phenomenology in the field of architecture while using current technology and knowledge to process and experience lived in the virtual environment. Experience virtual phenomenology using virtual reality technology and holograms. Understanding architecture from two conceptual perspectives of „productive essence“ and „changeable nature“. Recognizing social harms and finding the right question in the context of urban and cultural concerns and answering it by using flexible techniques in architecture so that the audience plays the main role in recognizing and achieving the final goal without the intervention of dominant ideas by the architect.
Certifikovaný porotce
Alina Ciobanu
Lead role in the management of projects across all stages
Lead role in the management of projects across all stages
Certifikovaný porotce
Christopher Groesbeck
Architecture, Urban Planning and teaching.
United States
Architecture, Urban Planning and teaching.
Certifikovaný porotce
Abdelaziz Nour
I believe architecture is a tool that should solve our cultural, social, and humanitarian problems while taking into account the context.
I believe architecture is a tool that should solve our cultural, social, and humanitarian problems while taking into account the context.
Certifikovaný porotce
David Guevara
Enfoque en el Diseño de Interiores Residencial, Comercial y diseño de mobiliario. -Coordinador de la carrera en Arquitectura de Interiores-Docente a nivel de pregrado en las areas de diseño interior, residencial, comercial y corporativo.
El Salvador
Enfoque en el Diseño de Interiores Residencial, Comercial y diseño de mobiliario. -Coordinador de la carrera en Arquitectura de Interiores-Docente a nivel de pregrado en las areas de diseño interior, residencial, comercial y corporativo.
Certifikovaný porotce
Ervin Taçi

Architecture for people 

Certifikovaný porotce
Arun Kapur

Urban renewal of the heritage core city areas of South Asian cities.

Certifikovaný porotce
James Wright

James Wright is a Fellow of the American Institute of Architects, and a founding Board Director and current Immediate Past President of the AIA International Region.  He is a past Chair of the AIA International Practice Committee Advisory Group, active with the IPCAG since 2011.  He is currently very involved with the International Union of Architects (UIA); he led the AIA delegation to the 2017 UIA Assembly in Seoul, and currently serves as UIA Professional Practice Commission Co-Director. 

Over his career, Wright has led the design and project management of over US$6 billion of building construction and has conducted innumerable planning and feasibility studies in over 40 countries spanning every continent except Antarctica.  With an unusually broad grasp of architectural practice, every year since 1979 he has been engaged in the marketing, managing, design, and delivery of exemplary architectural design services worldwide. His sensitivity to the local culture and traditions of each project setting is strongly reflected in his program-driven building designs.


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