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Jury Benefits

Certifikovaný porotce
Joelle Deeb
Our shifting world naturally empowers us to rethink the complex relationship between human and earth memory. As one of the more fundamental aspects when thinking of the re-naturalization of our sceneries, can the collective participate in reshaping our surrounding landscapes?
Our shifting world naturally empowers us to rethink the complex relationship between human and earth memory. As one of the more fundamental aspects when thinking of the re-naturalization of our sceneries, can the collective participate in reshaping our surrounding landscapes?
Certifikovaný porotce
Yubal Guillén


Interior Design

Furniture Design

Research Materials

3D Design





Certifikovaný porotce
Milica Vujošević

Sustainable architecture and energy efficiency in buildings 

Certifikovaný porotce
Les Jordan

Currently, I am involved in a wide range of architectural project types in Austria and Central Europe. The projects vary in scope, but our specialties lie in architectural management, consulting, design and construction document planning for mobility architecture (rail, bus, automobile, bike and pedestrian interchanges), especially the spaces of interface, which are of architectural significance.

As upcoming AIA Europe president I am excited to respresent an engaged group of international planning professionals with the common goal of promoting educational programs and conferences for practicing architects, emerging professionals, and students alike.

Certifikovaný porotce
Dario Donato

Dario Donato is Founder and Design Principal of Spatialconnection(s), responsible for the management, research and creative direction of the firm both in Italy and in international markets.

Since 2009 he has been worked both in practice and academia, from design as research to research as practice.

Before founding Spatialconnection(s) he has worked in several innovative and award-winning  international offices in Italy, China, and The Netherlands. He collaborated as Design Architect on a diverse range of high profile projects such as Gousen Securities Tower in Shenzhen with studio Fuksas, Wisdom Valley with Nbbj in Nanjing and University Church in Liepzig for Erick van Egeraat, plus some prize winning competitions.

Dario’s work is the result of the mediate world “From Complexity to Simplicity” that support the future implementation of an active conversation on the cultural agencies of current technologies and the ways they impact the architectural discipline for producing unconventional engineered architecture. Dario has started to pursue this line of research at IN/ARCH (National Italian Institute of Architecture) in Rome for the Master Emerging Technologies where he was the instructor of Scripting and Computational Geometry unit.

Since 2010 he taught and collaborated with academic and professional institutions in Europe and the Middle East including IUAV, IN/ARCH, Higher College of Technology...

Nowadays Dario is co-Programme Director and tutor at IAAC GSS Oman, investigating the post digital paradigm and its application in a context of multicultural society.

Dario received his master degree in Architectural Engineering at University of Pisa (Italy) and lately he received multiple awards as Young Talent of Architecture in Italy with two projects located in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


Dario Donato is Founder and Design Principal of Spatialconnection(s), responsible for the management, research and creative direction of the firm both in Italy and in international markets.

Since 2009 he has been worked both in practice and academia, from design as research to research as practice.

Before founding Spatialconnection(s) he has worked in several innovative and award-winning  international offices in Italy, China, and The Netherlands. He collaborated as Design Architect on a diverse range of high profile projects such as Gousen Securities Tower in Shenzhen with studio Fuksas, Wisdom Valley with Nbbj in Nanjing and University Church in Liepzig for Erick van Egeraat, plus some prize winning competitions.

Dario’s work is the result of the mediate world “From Complexity to Simplicity” that support the future implementation of an active conversation on the cultural agencies of current technologies and the ways they impact the architectural discipline for producing unconventional engineered architecture. Dario has started to pursue this line of research at IN/ARCH (National Italian Institute of Architecture) in Rome for the Master Emerging Technologies where he was the instructor of Scripting and Computational Geometry unit.

Since 2010 he taught and collaborated with academic and professional institutions in Europe and the Middle East including IUAV, IN/ARCH, Higher College of Technology...

Nowadays Dario is co-Programme Director and tutor at IAAC GSS Oman, investigating the post digital paradigm and its application in a context of multicultural society.

Dario received his master degree in Architectural Engineering at University of Pisa (Italy) and lately he received multiple awards as Young Talent of Architecture in Italy with two projects located in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Certifikovaný porotce
Place attachment, Space acquaintance, Brandspace,
Place attachment, Space acquaintance, Brandspace,
Certifikovaný porotce
Giancarlo Alhadeff
Alhadeff Architects Studio Founder Professional settings
Alhadeff Architects Studio Founder Professional settings
Certifikovaný porotce
Tereza Horová
Czech Republic
Certifikovaný porotce
Dukagjin Dedaqi
My architectural focus is creating new ideas using new forms in our objects or in our interiors.
My architectural focus is creating new ideas using new forms in our objects or in our interiors.
Certifikovaný porotce
Kateřina Pečeňová
návrhy interiérů, rekonstrukce, bytů, rodinných domů, kanceláří
Czech Republic
Certifikovaný porotce
Mariia Redkolis
Architecture. Interior design. Landscaping project. Urban design.
Certifikovaný porotce
Sandeep Paul
Sandeep is an Urban designer and academic, been working on projects linking urban design and transport since. He has worked on Bus Rapid Transit system, transit infrastructure, street design, public space development, Accessibility plans, Interchanges, Transit orientated development, Local Area plans. He has also worked on preparing urban Street design guidelines, manual for physical integration under Multi-modal integration, tactical urbanism and capacity building program.He is actively involved in urban design consultancy and research activities.
Sandeep is an Urban designer and academic, been working on projects linking urban design and transport since. He has worked on Bus Rapid Transit system, transit infrastructure, street design, public space development, Accessibility plans, Interchanges, Transit orientated development, Local Area plans. He has also worked on preparing urban Street design guidelines, manual for physical integration under Multi-modal integration, tactical urbanism and capacity building program.He is actively involved in urban design consultancy and research activities.
Certifikovaný porotce
Shalaw Hamad
Green Architecture, Sustainable Built environment , Sustainability Assessment
Green Architecture, Sustainable Built environment , Sustainability Assessment
Certifikovaný porotce
Iva Jeřábková
Jako architektka a inženýrka aktivně prosazuji nové inovativní přístupy ve stavebnictví. Při hledání nových výzev nezůstávám pouze u technických znalostí, ale také se zaměřuji na porozumění složitým vztahům a systémům. Jsem přesvědčená o tom, že vynikající výsledky lze dosáhnout díky kooperativní spolupráci a analytickému přístupu. Ve své praxi se zaměřuji se na rekonstrukce, sance a modernizace objektů středního a velkého rozsahu a integraci BIM procesů do těchto projektů.
Czech Republic
Certifikovaný porotce
Morsalin Choudhury Rana

Tensile Architecture

Green Architecture



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