We are honored to present the universities that have decided to actively participate in the international competition for the conceptual design of the renewal of the port of Beirut.
Lets help Beirut to reborn!
SPAB in Bhopal, School of Planning and Architecture
First City UC in Selangor - First City University College
National Institute of Art and Design in Tashkent
Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology, school of Architecture
STU - in Bratislava - Faculty of Architecture
STU in Bratislava - Faculty of Civil Engineering
POLIS UNIVERSITY in Tirana, Faculty of Architecture and Design
MEDIAPOL in Istanbul, Faculty of Fine Arts and Architecture
BUT in Brno, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Architecture
VSB in Ostrava, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Architecture
CECOS University of I.T. & Emerging Sciences, Department of Architecture