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Certifikovaný porotce
Jitka Třmínková
interiérový designer se specializací na atypický nábytek.
Czech Republic
Certifikovaný porotce

Farming Architecture

Viet nam
Certifikovaný porotce
Eva Lövenhöferová
Evalofa je studio interiérových architektů s vlastní stavební firmou. Zaměřuji se především na funkční interiér, styl a osobitost.
Czech Republic
Certifikovaný porotce
Emmanuel Kikanme
My architectural focus lies in the area of use, ergonomic and sustainability.
My architectural focus lies in the area of use, ergonomic and sustainability.
Certifikovaný porotce
Hafsa Qureshi
By exploring the orifices of the natural world, reflections of observations are generated. These are the spaces thatgenerate a connection or a praxisto the promontories of the sacredEarth. They aid in creating a natural phenomenon and while doing so they lead to a revelation of a sacred experience, for me that experience isArchitecture.It is an invitation for the developmentof individual and communal praxis in the earth which is always a verysacred space and to be rooted intothe cultural and traditional typologiesyet have a presence of its own.
By exploring the orifices of the natural world, reflections of observations are generated. These are the spaces thatgenerate a connection or a praxisto the promontories of the sacredEarth. They aid in creating a natural phenomenon and while doing so they lead to a revelation of a sacred experience, for me that experience isArchitecture.It is an invitation for the developmentof individual and communal praxis in the earth which is always a verysacred space and to be rooted intothe cultural and traditional typologiesyet have a presence of its own.
Certifikovaný porotce
Bakhtiar Amir
Urban design/ Community Empowerment
Urban design/ Community Empowerment
Certifikovaný porotce
Stanislav Kovář
Nové formy bydlení, zdravé a úsporné bydlení
Czech Republic
Certifikovaný porotce
Clila Bau Cohen
Certifikovaný porotce
Jelena Ristić Trajković

Jelena Ristić Trajković is an architect, educator and author. She holds a Ph.D. degree in Architecture within the field of Architectural Design and Contemporary Architecture (2016). Ristic Trajkovic is an Assistant Professor at the Department for Architecture, University of Belgrade – Faculty of Architecture, Serbia, where she is involved in architectural design courses. She also teaches Design Methodology at the Faculty of Applied Arts in Belgrade. Her main research focus is on design methodology, design education, social and ecological aspects of design, environment and behavior theories in architectural design and heritage protection, and in particular on appropriate methods to understand different urban narratives. She is involved in several national and international research projects with topics mainly focused on modern heritage, urban narratives, housing, and sustainability.

Certifikovaný porotce
Prajal Pradhan

Architecture is an art and science of creating spaces that inspire, soothe or heal.

Certifikovaný porotce
Priyan Hettipathirana
Create a built environment that can coexist with the nature.
Sri Lankan
Create a built environment that can coexist with the nature.
Certifikovaný porotce
Maha El Achkar

As an architect, i value and focus on architecture that is adaptable to climate change and tend towards ecolody, sustainability and urbain resilience. 

Lebanese - French
Certifikovaný porotce
Asiri Panditha
Push the boundaries of how the notions of empathy in architecture can accommodate a wide range of opposing viewpoints.
Sri Lankan
Push the boundaries of how the notions of empathy in architecture can accommodate a wide range of opposing viewpoints.
Certifikovaný porotce
Tomáš Čech
Architektonická platforma POLYCHROME působí na poli architektury v různých podobách. Projektuje a navrhuje, popularizuje a zkoumá. Život lidí není „monochromatický“, je plný emocí, pocitů, zkušeností. Proto hledáme komplexní a adekvátní řešení, která odpovídají na otázky krásy, kvality, funkčnosti a udržitelnosti. „Polychromatická“ architektura nemusí být pestrobarevná, ale musí vytvořit optimální prostředí pro všechny aspekty lidského života. Ten bezpochyby „barevný“ je!
Czech Republic
Certifikovaný porotce
Ramiz Baig

Throughout my professional career i have had a diverse focus which has enabled me to enjoy the various facets of the design world. Including the following:

  • Residential
  • Interiors
  • Universal Accesibility
  • Heritage

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