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Jury Benefits

Certifikovaný porotce
Nagham Elsayed
I'm interested in organic and parametric interior style
I'm interested in organic and parametric interior style
Certifikovaný porotce
Arief Isrefidianto

Architect and Urban Designer

Certifikovaný porotce
Faisal Ahamed
My architectural focus centers on creating immersive and thematic environments, with a particular emphasis on sustainable practices. With a strong foundation in both modern and traditional design principles, I aim to merge aesthetics with functionality in every project. Notable works include my award-winning thesis project (UniATA24), 'The Tale of Marine Life,' an innovative sea aquarium complex that encapsulates my commitment to experiential design and ecological responsibility. Looking forward, I am dedicated to exploring how architectural spaces can foster community interaction and environmental stewardship
My architectural focus centers on creating immersive and thematic environments, with a particular emphasis on sustainable practices. With a strong foundation in both modern and traditional design principles, I aim to merge aesthetics with functionality in every project. Notable works include my award-winning thesis project (UniATA24), 'The Tale of Marine Life,' an innovative sea aquarium complex that encapsulates my commitment to experiential design and ecological responsibility. Looking forward, I am dedicated to exploring how architectural spaces can foster community interaction and environmental stewardship
Certifikovaný porotce
Ing.Arhc. Martin Dudaško
private company chief architect Professional settings
private company chief architect Professional settings
Certifikovaný porotce
Mário Regec
Architektura a urbanismus. Veřejné, residenční a bytové stavby. Komplexní projektové práce.
Certifikovaný porotce
Kristina Fadejeva
Czech Republic
Certifikovaný porotce
Tomáš Hladík
rodinné domy, bytové domy, občanské stavby, památkové objekty, sakrální architektura
Czech Republic
Certifikovaný porotce
Nikolas Maximov
Architectural design is an art of visionary, that defines the way of living and interacting of future generations. Human-centric design is to provide people with possibilities of self identification. Therefore, along with futuristic innovations, designer have to pay attention to ethnic, cultural, local, and other types of identities.
Russian Federation
Architectural design is an art of visionary, that defines the way of living and interacting of future generations. Human-centric design is to provide people with possibilities of self identification. Therefore, along with futuristic innovations, designer have to pay attention to ethnic, cultural, local, and other types of identities.
Certifikovaný porotce
Jean Paul Aazan
My architectural focus relies on exceeding clients expectations and goal achievement through creativity, ease of process and value.
My architectural focus relies on exceeding clients expectations and goal achievement through creativity, ease of process and value.
Certifikovaný porotce
Jose Carlo Bolaños Padilla

The design of spaces that represent a preview of the future human behavior, where a balance between environment and technology is the goal to improve architecture and life.

Costa Rican

The design of spaces that represent a preview of the future human behavior, where a balance between environment and technology is the goal to improve architecture and life.

Certifikovaný porotce
Patricio Gonzalez
Creating spaces that transmit sensations and emotions.
Creating spaces that transmit sensations and emotions.
Certifikovaný porotce
John Paul Austria

Design and consultancy

Architecture Instructor at BPSU

High Rise Building, Horizontal and Vertical Buildings, Residentials, Commercials, Planning

Certifikovaný porotce
Štěpán Braťka

to make world a better place

Certifikovaný porotce
Egor Melekhin
My attention is immersed in parametric architecture
My attention is immersed in parametric architecture
Certifikovaný porotce
Filip Hejzlar
privátní vily, luxusní interiéry
Czech Republic

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