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Jury Benefits

Certifikovaný porotce
Patrik Hnida
Certifikovaný porotce
Abdullah Ahmad
My focus is to bring something different. Something out of the box
My focus is to bring something different. Something out of the box
Certifikovaný porotce
Dulanja Mudannayaka
My architectural philosophy revolves around a steadfast commitment to sustainability and groundbreaking design. By seamlessly blending eco-conscious principles with cutting-edge creativity, I strive to shape spaces that not only minimize their environmental footprint but also inspire through innovative aesthetics. From energy-efficient materials to sustainable construction practises, my designs aim to harmonize with nature while pushing the boundaries of architectural innovation, fostering a sustainable and visually captivating built environment that resonates with the needs of today and the aspirations of tomorrow.
Sri Lankan
My architectural philosophy revolves around a steadfast commitment to sustainability and groundbreaking design. By seamlessly blending eco-conscious principles with cutting-edge creativity, I strive to shape spaces that not only minimize their environmental footprint but also inspire through innovative aesthetics. From energy-efficient materials to sustainable construction practises, my designs aim to harmonize with nature while pushing the boundaries of architectural innovation, fostering a sustainable and visually captivating built environment that resonates with the needs of today and the aspirations of tomorrow.
Certifikovaný porotce
Elobaid Elfadil

Lead studio-design lecturer and researcher specialized in (architectural Visualization and photography, architectural morphogenesis and form-finding ,  architectural tectonics and Aesthetics). Additionally,  there is a considerable interest in developing (architectural pedagogies, design-knowledge,  and critical thinking skill-sets) within the architectural education.

Certifikovaný porotce
Kristýna Potůčková
rodinné domy, interiéry, nábytek na míru
Czech Republic
rodinné domy, interiéry, nábytek na míru
Certifikovaný porotce
Georges Hakim
Focus on rationalism and pragmatism in design architecture. Continuous relation between professional and academic architecture is key.
Focus on rationalism and pragmatism in design architecture. Continuous relation between professional and academic architecture is key.
Certifikovaný porotce
Eugenia Irmanova
Since 2005 I have been teaching architectural design at the University, I am the head of diploma works in architecture, laureate of All-Russian and international competitions, member of the Union of Architects of Russia. I run an architectural school for children aged 11-15. Scientific interest - modern trends in the design of residential buildings, identification and development of the creative potential of schoolchildren in the process of primary architectural and art education.
Since 2005 I have been teaching architectural design at the University, I am the head of diploma works in architecture, laureate of All-Russian and international competitions, member of the Union of Architects of Russia. I run an architectural school for children aged 11-15. Scientific interest - modern trends in the design of residential buildings, identification and development of the creative potential of schoolchildren in the process of primary architectural and art education.
Certifikovaný porotce
Simona Uhnáková
Certifikovaný porotce
Wael Aboneama

Sustainable Design, Islamic Architecture, Commercial Buidlings, Adminstration Buidlings, High towers, Hotels, Culture projects, Educational Buildings, Border posts, Sport Facilities

Certifikovaný porotce
Ayasha Siddiqua
Sustainable Design, Urban Design, Water Urbanism
Sustainable Design, Urban Design, Water Urbanism
Certifikovaný porotce
Kristina Golub

I am focused on scientific research in the field of intelligent building management systems and their influence on architecture. At the same time as an architect at the Golub Architects Company, I design residential and commercial buildings as well as interior design.

Certifikovaný porotce
Iveta Augustínová
Zahradní a krajinářská architektura
Czech Republic
Certifikovaný porotce
Helen Fares
Design a realizace interiérů, jak bytů či vil (sauny, bazény, tělocvičny, solária), tak exteriérů, komerční interiéry (prodejny, restaurace), ČVUT matfyz aula + posluchárny Troja, dřevostavby, stánky na výstavišti, hotely (rozvržení prostoru + návrh, pokoje pro zdravotně postižené, hotely tři hvězdy)
Czech Republic
Design a realizace interiérů, jak bytů či vil (sauny, bazény, tělocvičny, solária), tak exteriérů, komerční interiéry (prodejny, restaurace), ČVUT matfyz aula + posluchárny Troja, dřevostavby, stánky na výstavišti, hotely (rozvržení prostoru + návrh, pokoje pro zdravotně postižené, hotely tři hvězdy)
Certifikovaný porotce
Javeria Shaikh

I am focused on residential and commercial property management services and hospitals design along with museums and any other kind of Architectural History and adoptive reuse 


I am focused on residential and commercial property management services and hospitals design along with museums and any other kind of Architectural History and adoptive reuse 

Certifikovaný porotce
Dana Ibrahim
Sustainable Design and Technology, Social and Cultural Issues.

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