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Certifikovaný porotce
Rasha Mansour
My name is Rasha Mansour with a bachelor's degree in interior design from the Holon Institute of Technology HIT. 2rd place in the International Architectural Competition Inspireli Award 2021 In my opinion the details in each project you deal with are the most important and significant part in order to succeed in the project.
Certifikovaný porotce
Arash Moghadam Fallahi

I am interested in the field of new and optimum structural configurations and climate-sensitive building and their influences on architecture.

Certifikovaný porotce
Roman Sabela
projektování staveb
Czech Republic
projektování staveb
Certifikovaný porotce
Marianna Tkáčová
Certifikovaný porotce
Anthony El Murr

Concept Methodology, Design, and Passion


Naval Architect


Certifikovaný porotce
Elham Mirzapour
An interior and industrial designer. A reviewer of Edison Awards and also a jury member of some international design awards such as A’ Design Award and Competition, New York Product Design Awards (NYPD), London International Creative Competition (LICC), European Product Design Award (EPDA), etc.
An interior and industrial designer. A reviewer of Edison Awards and also a jury member of some international design awards such as A’ Design Award and Competition, New York Product Design Awards (NYPD), London International Creative Competition (LICC), European Product Design Award (EPDA), etc.
Certifikovaný porotce
Olena Korsun
More than 6 years of experience in Interior Design using modern stack and technologies.Experienced in developing and implementation projects from scratch.Ability to raise constantly the bar in development facing with challenges without any affairs.Design inspires me. I love learning something new and interesting.
Certifikovaný porotce
Sohrab Azizollahi

Sohrab Azizollahi is an Iranian Architect, who his projects were awarded and recognized in several international architectural festivals and competitions. He has founded his professional practice, Sohrab Azizollahi Studio in 2009, and also has worked as a freelance architect in architectural competitions. He has participated in many construction projects, including his own designs as an executive principal and director. His most important awarded project is “Each devastated cities” which was awarded the iF Design Talent Awards 2017 in Germany, and he has been shortlisted and honored in several international architectural awards such as INSPIRELI Awards in Prague, 2A Asia Architectural Awards, in Vienna & Berlin, and Middle East Architect Awards in UAE.

His main focus in architectural and urban design and research is on the environmental design process and using smart technologies for providing sustainability in the projects, besides considering the context and culture.

He also has researched and practiced about the renovation of destroyed cities or areas caused by war or natural disaster.

Certifikovaný porotce
Armin Sepic

Devoted to experimental architecture and competitions as well as architecture and interior design. Guidelines in my creative process are sustainability, energy efficiency, technology, simplicity and human, tailor-made approach. 

Bosnia and Herzegovina
Certifikovaný porotce
Cristian Martìnez
Bùsqueda de una arquitectura para su sitio, revalorizando y promoviendo la reinterpretaciòn de tècnicas constructivas vernàculas, valorizar y enriquecer las diversas culturas.
Bùsqueda de una arquitectura para su sitio, revalorizando y promoviendo la reinterpretaciòn de tècnicas constructivas vernàculas, valorizar y enriquecer las diversas culturas.
Certifikovaný porotce
Dr. Santosh Kumar Jha
Manually crafted products for the human-spaces (I.e. interior and exterior both). I look into any product through its- 1. Concept, 2. Materials of construction, 3. quality of craftsmanship, 4. Clarity in product-human interaction abilities, 5. Aesthetics, etc.
Manually crafted products for the human-spaces (I.e. interior and exterior both). I look into any product through its- 1. Concept, 2. Materials of construction, 3. quality of craftsmanship, 4. Clarity in product-human interaction abilities, 5. Aesthetics, etc.
Certifikovaný porotce
Kirubel Tadesse
Vernacular architecture
Vernacular architecture
Certifikovaný porotce
Michal Šourek
Czech Republic
Certifikovaný porotce
Petrit Ahmeti

Energy efficiency in buildings.

Certifikovaný porotce
Ramy Abi Antoun
Principal Architect / Founder at RAMAC, University instructor at USEK
Principal Architect / Founder at RAMAC, University instructor at USEK

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