

Diyanov Artem, Kuzmenko Timofey, Budyuk Anna
Tomsk State University of Architecture and Building

Idea projektu

The task:
is the rejuvenation and urban reconnection of Crescenzago metro station area in Milan. The participa nts are required to develop a vision for a future development of the area in the nearest neighborhood of Crescenzago metro station, proposing:
- For plot A - new mix-use development (non resedential on ground & first floor, and affordable residential (up to 5 floor above the ground in total)
- For plot B - renovation strategy of three existing multi-family buildings focus on comfort & wellbeing of inhabitants, while decreasing buildings overall energe consumption and long term environmental impact. The strategy should take into account the exploration of innovative tools and/or techniques allowing a fast and "non-invasive" renovation
- For plot C - connection of plot A and plot B, integrating services and public spaces, taking into account the surroundings of the neighborhood

The key principle of our project:
is the creation of comfortable space for residences in the urban environment.
On the one hand, it might be a country house which should be:
• Close to nature
• Individually designed
On the other hand, a multi-storey city building which should have:
• Proximity to the office or university
• Lower cost
However, for all of us, comfortable space means “Urban villa” with both types of advantages.

*project animation:

Popis projektu

The territory planning starts with a PLOT A:
• Noise protection building is located along the metro line
• The rest area is divided into 4 buildings
• Planting common household galleries
• Making terraces to provide insolation and planting them
• Arranging commercial real estate along the main pathways
The configuration of buildings provided established insolation of apartments.

Next, let’s consider PLOTs B and C:
• Fairs square and a landscape park are located in the central part
• A big pedestrian area with cafes and stores was developed towards the metro station
• Parking lots with shades and a sports ground adjacent to PLOT B
New comfortable space was harmonically integrated with the existing environment, preserving greenery and identity of the district.
A few words about mobility:
• Transport and pedestrian flows do not cross
• The barrier-free environment is provided
• Underground parking, Car-sharing and bike rental, are close to the metro station

Now, let us explain how the “Urban Villa" concept is implemented in the architectural and space-planning design (PLOT A).
• Traditional materials and colours are applied.
• A greenhouse locates on a walkable planted roof
• The yard is divided into private internal and public external part
• 2-level Parking space for residents is provided
• Each apartment on the ground and first floor has an individual entrance from the street
• Three hundred and four units with a wide range of configurations are offered.

Technické informace

Then comes: technical solutions.
Multi-comfort and sustainability criteria provided with:
• Cross ventilation
• Green roof as overheat protection
• Geothermal system for heating and for Water heating
• Greywater collected for watering the greenery
• PVC panels for the lightning and the car-sharing
• Ventilation exchanger is linked to a geothermal system

We applied materials:
• Windows with glass PLANITHERM 4S +
• Mineral wool insulation ISOVER Sillatherm
Overall, the normative standards of heat, noise and energy protection are performed

The design accounts the fire safety strategy

Energy efficient envelope has a closed loop of insulation
We apply:
• 280 mm thick of insulation
• Perforated slab with thermal breaks
• Inverted roof

Annual energy consumption:
• For cooling 10,3 A+
• For heating 3,7 A++
• Overheating 1.7%

is brought into compliance with the new architectural look and energy efficiency requirements, by implementing:
• Triple glazing windows with trickle ventilators and PLANITHERM LUX coating
• 150 mm of insulation ISOVER Sillatherm
• Thermostatic control devices for radiators
• Glassing and air heating with recuperator for staircases;
Renovation can be performed without citizen relocation

Annual energy consumption:
• For cooling 14,2 A+
• For heating 3,7 A++
• Overheating 0%

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