
Between The Woods: The Embassy Of The Czech Republic- Addis Abeba

Ortal Shotland

Idea projektu

Wood is a common building material in Ethiopia and is used by the locals in traditional Technics. The spirit of the place is found at the site, with the local materials and textures, surrounded by plenty of Eucalyptus trees. The Czech culture gently respect the place and the project is offering an Embassy complex which is combining local and Czech Technics, enabling traditional and contemporary architecture, giving a unique representing experience.

Popis projektu

Design principle of site plan is operational separation of individual buildings for different facilities: Official Embassy building with consular and visa department (separate entrance), ambassador residence, Czech staff residential area and local work force accommodation. The complex is using the existing trees to give green areas and contains recreational spaces for welfare.

Technické informace

Site research started with a visit at the site and acquaintance with local culture. The impression leaded to conceptual models that later were developed.
The project is offering to keep most of the trees and is using local materials and Technics: wood, metal construction, concrete and metal panels. The metal columns are enclosing the timber, reflecting the traditional. The Czech expertise and sensitivity give the opportunity to the idea come to life.


Tutors: Prof. Arch. Baruch Baruch, Dr. Arch. Dana Margalith, Arch. Ori Ronen

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