
Mangrove Milieu,a floating residential development

Stephanie Maina
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, School of Architecture and Building Sciences, Department of Architecture

Idea projektu

I STEPHANIE J. MAINA declare that the project "Mangrove Milieu, a floating residential development" is my original work.

The Kenyan coast prides in a 630Kmcoastline. The coastal city of Mombasa -the second largest city in Kenya after Nairobi -is the largest seaport in East Africa and has two harbors–Kilindini and Old Port. Mombasa not only plays a central role in the country’s economy but also in the economy of the region for the commercial imports and exports of land-locked countries that border Kenya. The city is a popular tourist destination and tourism remains an important foreign exchange earner for Kenya making Mombasa a very important county for the economy. But in just 20 years, this world-renowned tourist haven may become an island of misery in which vast stretches of land are submerged in sea.
Due to climate change, the IPCC Fifth Assessment report projects Global mean sea level rise to increase from between 26-55 cm under low emissions scenarios to 45-86 cm under high emissions scenarios by 2080-2100 relative to 1986-2005.It is estimated that about 17 per cent of Mombasa, or 4,600 hectares of land area, will be submerged with a sea-level rise of only 0.3 meters (Mahongo, S 2006).Large areas that are currently occupied may be rendered uninhabitable as a result of flooding or water logging. In two years’ time, the sea level rise in the coastline region will lead to a 20 per cent accrued risk of flooding above 5 feet. It is predicted that a slight increase in temperatures by 4 degrees C (7.2 degrees F) will see Mombasa and other coastal regions submerged as sea levels rise. So what does this mean for the built environment?
This project, a follow up of a thesis that researched on how to implement bioclimatic architecture methods of design garnered from Swahili vernacular architecture into designing modern residential houses in the coastal city, dives into the solution of floating infrastructure as a housing design response to the climate change caused rising sea levels and flooding that the populated coastal city of Mombasa is currently experiencing.
The idea of floating was formulated as a solution to three major problems
1. The effects of climate change which are rising sea levels and flooding.
2. The overpopulation of Mombasa Island.
3. Lack of proper bioclimatic designs in the Island.

The site is located in Kenya, Mombasa County along the Tudor creek. It is unoccupied land given its riparian nature. As seen in the images below, the development is located in the East of the city of Mombasa (Kenya) along the Tudor Creek. The location was considered due to its strategic position that exposes it to the open ocean. The width of the creek near the site is approximately 382 meters thus there is enough space for developing without interrupting the navigation of boats. This place offers some advantages in terms of design and comfort for the users. One of them is that it is an optimal location for wind energy thus reduces functioning costs of the users. The site is also directed to the open ocean thus making passive design strategies easy and optimum. Also it is located close to the city center which is a 20minutes drive away and other important places in the city including the largest market in Mombasa, Kongowea market.

1. Design houses resistant to rising sea levels and flooding.
2. Design buildings that will use up as little land as possible.
3. Design buildings that will appropriately fit into the climatic context of Mombasa. The aim is to ensure optimum thermal comfort without the use of mechanical cooling systems.
4. Design a development that benefits the community it is located.
5. Design a development that will restore the dwindling mangrove population on the site in context.

Popis projektu

The following is a summary of the work to be done
The houses will be constructed off site in a warehouse and then shipped to the specific location and set using mooring piles. The general scope of work includes supervision, tools and, equipment, installed and consumable materials, services, testing devices, and each and every item of expense necessary for: design; engineering; supply; fabrication; field erection; application; hauling; receiving; handling & unloading; field installation; construction; warehousing; lay down areas; assembly; testing; evaluation; quality assurance; fitting of material and the specific requirements set out below.

This includes designing of the buildings, determining of the appropriate materials for the buildings, the average costing, the project schedule and production of specific technical details.

This project requires specialized engineering. This especially when it comes to the design of the base of the houses. It also includes testing of the buoyancy of the structures and establishing the average weight of the building.

Technické informace

- Eight town houses. 4 typologies
- Fish Market
- Open air market
- Bio Digester
- Water Purification Plant
- Wind Farm.
- Jetty construction details
- Mushrabiya details



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