We produce more and more products. In Polish houses, 12 MILLION TON of waste is created annually, most of which land on landfills. These, on the other hand, have a significant impact on health and the environment. We must act quickly to prevent the waste from falling over the entire Mother Earth. Top of the garbage can be reduced by selective waste collection and recycling.
Waste products are valuable resources. REfactory aims to provide better environmental conditions, reduce the raw material produced and minimize waste. The object is designed to collect valuable components such as garbage and use it again.
Those that can not be re-used are recycled to 3D ink for printers.
REfactory is a modular, multifunctional factory template. It can adapt to various existing abandoned buildings in the city. Revitalizing old industrial facilities, we use available resources and revitalize the forgotten part of the city. Created production halls are prepared for flexible adaptation to various requirements: from single orders to mass production. The building works thanks to the vertical and horizontal integration of objects in the production path.
Delivered to the REfactory raw material goes through the entire production process: storage, disassembly, recycling, processing, manufacturing and sale. In the entrance area there is an educational exhibition of new objects and a shop with the possibility of purchasing goods designed in the building. The next floors are: on the left - the next production levels and employee and design rooms and on the right side - changing rooms with a social zone, administration with an office zone and a research and experimental floor. In the event of a demand, the building is expanded with new storeys. Interior elements or communication parts are designed and printed on site for each REfactory factory. It gives the possibility of very flexible maneuvering the space inside and adapting to the needs of individual companies.
Patrycja Czechowska, Katarzyna Winkler