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My focus is on generative design in architecture as well as extending our tools and capabilities through collaboration with algorithms and technology. My daily job is based on creating algorithms that can solve various design and engineering problems in architecture through parametric and computational design, as well as different simulation and optimization techniques.
I am currently a PhD student at the Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade. My research topic is based on 3D Graphic Statics and developing new algorithms for it (a topic that Block Reseacrch Group from ETH is also exploring).
During 2019. I was a Inspireli finalist.
Design, Planning, and Construction
Concevoir des espaces de vie qui respectent davantage l'environnement et qui prennent en compte le confort de l'usager d'où une architecture bioclimatique pour un développement durable dans un espace en mutation.
better Architecture/ better life
Architecture Awards:
- 2nd Place in 5th annual "INSPIRELI AWARDS", Czech Republic, 2020.
- Finalist in 5th annual "INSPIRELI AWARDS", Czech Republic, 2020.
- Winner of the 34th cycle World Architecture Award Selected by jury, 2020.
- Candidates Project in Asia - Oceania Architecture Award, Spain, 2019.
- Honorable Mention ARCHIHACKERS Competition, Italy, 2019.
- Honorable Mention SCC Competition, Italy, 2019.
- 2nd Place in Imam Khomeini Square Competition, Tonekabon, Iran, 2018.
- Semi Final AYDA (Asia Young Designer Award) Competition, Iran, 2018.
And Attendee in more than 10 National and International Competitions.
- The Role of Art Identity in Landscape and Urban Cultural Perspective.
- The Impact of Cultural Identity on Urban Landscape (Case Study: Tonekabon County).
- The Role of Art and Cultural Identity in the Physical Structure of Urban Architecture.
- The Impact of Cultural-Artistic Space on Cultural Identity, Landscape and Urban Landscape (Case Study: Tonekabon County).