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I am very interested in studying housing that addresses crucial issues, such as affordable living, sustainable design and flexible housing.
Sustainable Architecture, Interior Design, Functionality, Space Architecture.
Design and development of architectural projects
Saliba Architects is an award-winning architectural firm located in Beirut, Lebanon.
It has extensive experience in several building types spanning both the private and public sectors.
Restaurants, bars and family homes are a few of the building types Saliba Architects has been
directly involved with, resulting in successful projects that the clients and building users found
enjoyable to occupy.
At Saliba Architects, we value beauty, efficiency, logic, pure expression of materials, and clean
lines and forms that allow the architecture- the space, light, materials, spatial relationships - and
its inhabitants to thrive. The result is an architecture that is current but timeless, serene yet warm,
and uniquely reflective of the values and characters of our clients. Saliba Architects offers the
following services as part of our program. Building Design - Interior Design – Landscapes –
Product Design – Furniture Selection – Experimental Installations – 3D Rendering.
Our Process
Idea & Start
Design & Crate
Build & Finish