

Sara Bayyari
University of Jordan, Department of Architecture, Amman, Jordan
Jordánské království

Idea projektu

Weaving together experience, memory, and architecture. It works in favor for the natural, social and sentimental significance of the theoretical approach. Alienation leads to the need for self-actualization. The project provides unique experiences that'll spur questions and answers for oneself. It creates a community, encourage breaking out of monotony, hospitalize users to escape the alienation of the city.

Popis projektu

The chosen name for this project "ALLIESTHESIA" is in relation to the human stimuli. It is the science of senses, the changed sensation and perception! Which is what the project is aiming to achieve for the user in order to release variations of neurochemicals that focuses upon nature and reality not as an absolutum existing only outside us, but as subject to human scrutiny, interaction, and creative participation in a phenomenological experience.

Technické informace

The project adds new experiences for the user by creating suspended bridges and platforms that have removable shelters that are implemented seasonally. The user is allowed multiple of paths and circulation options for different "scenarios" and experiences in sub terrains, underground experiences and suspended in the air, all of which are taking into consideration the environmental factors in the Dead Sea. Implementing windcatchers in which the user is able to fell the breeze from the sea into the wind catchers and into their sleeping pods for a better environmental control. Extending the existent hiking trail to make it into a loop rather than a one way to enrich the experience underground and above ground so the user will get introduced to the flora and fauna more extensively.

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