

Succès Allandiguim
École Supérieure d’architecture d’Abidjan

Idea projektu

Sport is a set of physical activities based on effort
and re-training, practiced according to specific rules in the form of individual
individual or collective games that can lead to competitions.
It is beneficial for health, because a person who practices sport lives longer
lives longer: an interesting study was carried out in Denmark and revealed that
an interesting study was conducted in Denmark and revealed that people who practiced regular physical activity
regular physical activity had a 38% lower mortality rate than those
those who do not practice sports. Doing sport decreases the risk of
cancer: 22% of cardiovascular diseases and 15% of lung cancers are due to a lack
lung cancer are due to a lack of physical activity according to
the WHO.

Popis projektu

The project is the proposal of a fitness room, in the township of cocody. The idea was to try to propose a modern work, in harmony with nature and which fits in its landscape.

Technické informace

The construction of the building is made mainly of columns that support the structure, curtain walls all along the facades, then protected by sunbreakers, and open spaces.


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