
Reimaging Public Architecture to Enhance Public Interaction : A case for built design for law and order

arsal masood

Idea projektu

Pakistan; part of the 3rd world nation is a developing country. It highly dense in population and since
is a developing country thus is prone to betterment and growth of the society. For a developing state
the dispensing of the just law and order is the keystone for its growth.
Alas, the police is one of the form of its law and order dispatching agencies and their relationship
with the public attain a vital role in the development of the nation. A better perception and firm
relationship of mutual trust between police agencies and the communities they serve are very
important to maintaining public security and efficient policing. It’s a two-way street and both are
dependent on the information and the corporation of each other.
Breaking the obstacles and building a better perception and creating a firm relationship between
police and individuals can play a major part in making a peaceful community and one way of making
this conceivable is by building interactive spaces or redesigning the present one.
Thus, the focus of the thesis is to build a better police department aiding towards the firm and
better relationship between the public and the police. Also developing the image of the law and
order agencies of the state. A functional police department is highly efficient and leads towards a
better growth of society and the development of the nation.

Popis projektu

Any civil department is constituted by its serving officials which are ranked accordingly and thus to
complete the formation of the body a building is required for serving officials to occupy. In the case
of the Police department; police stations and check posts are built.
Since corruption is rooted in all the sectors of Police department in Pakistan (Pakistan Economic and
Social Review)1
thus the buildings built and allotted to police are insufficient for the staff hierarchy
and are built not to represent authority and transparency with a welcoming and inviting ambiance
for the public sector rather, buildings are badly lit, unhygienic and scary structures where people are
hesitant to appear.
Furthermore, since the budget is derailed thus, any development done is not by planning through
proper channel of individuals embedded but rather it is built by a layman contractor without any
knowledge for design and its importance.
The public deals with the area stations which are always rendered lacking all facilities. On the other
hand, the headquarters are properly designed and built having all the principles embed but a citizen
has no interaction with the place. The key focus should be to the sectors open to the public

Technické informace

The police station is taken into account here as an interactive space to create a better perception
and a peaceful community; providing a platform where public and police can meet on daily basis. My
goal is to build a better perception or a firm relationship between public and police, through
architecture leading towards the betterment of the society and eradicating the social differences.
Resulting in the development of the image of the law and order agency of the state and gaining the
trust of the public in regards to the dispensing of the law and order

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