
The Minimalist Cultural Center Of Abu simble, Aswan

Jumana Anas
Arab academy for science and technology

Idea projektu

The Project clarify a place where the citizens can explore and share their cultures with each other and they have only one thing that unites them, which is the ancient Egyptian civilization, which is also the civilization of the city itself, as the current population is not original, but rather from many governorates, and therefore the civilization was reflected in the inscriptions in the building with the simplicity that characterizes the building, as this makes it more flexible in accepting all Different cultures and customs, and it also appears from the building from the entrance side in the form of a cube with hieroglyphic inscriptions and the rest of its elements are compatible with the topography of the land to achieve environmental treatments such as shading for the convenience of the user and also achieve the curiosity of the visitor to know what is hidden below.

Popis projektu

Putting the project solution in line with the topography of the land and simplicity in the solution with increasing the thickness of the walls to provide the necessary thermal insulation and also adding water elements to reduce the temperature besides paying attention to energy self-sufficiency through solar panels and attention to the user experience throughout the project area to be a distinct experience Filled with different items

Technické informace

-Used Solar panels for sustainability.
-Add water elements to reduce heat gain.
-A wind direction path was made between masses to help airflow through the site with lower level corridors that are shaded with the project's different masses.
-Used greenery, Wood, and fabric as shade elements.


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