
Revitalization of Zizkov Freight Railway Station

Ladislav Podracký
CTU in Prague - Faculty of Civil Engineering
Česká Republika

Idea projektu

Brownfield around the Freight Railway Station in Zizkov is currently one of the biggest sites without housing development in the center of Prague. The design proposes not only the concept of conversion of the railway station, important technical landmark from the 1930s, but also the complex urban solution of the whole brownfield.
Main idea is the connection between the original building with the new designed objects around. The defining part of the whole area is a ,,green corridor" with a new tram railway.
This line is connecting Zizkov district with the suburb. The concept of conversion is connected to the urban solution - the railway station is built up to the level of surrounding
objects and the extension is spreading from the railway station into its neighbourhood. Extension is covered by curtain wall of fiberglass and its expression does not compete
with the one of original industrial building.

Popis projektu

The project focuses on the urban solution of the brownfield, more detailed is the solution of the railway station itself. Elementary technical solution is proposed and implemented in the design.

Technické informace

The additional floor on the former rooftop of the railway station is a steel frame construction. Afront of the construction itself a curtain facade made of fibreglass is supported by light steel construction.


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