
Theatre Populaire Ideal

Elie El Khoury
USEK - Holy spirit University of Kaslik

Idea projektu

"If a termite mound lives, it is because it adds earth to the earth": In a city full of contrast and intruders, the main goal is to blend in and become part of the urban fabric. To become invisible is to become seen and present physically an mentally in the society around us.
Earth Architecture has been used in Burkina Faso for thousands of years, but the lack of evolution makes it so that it is regarded as being a primitive way of building. But how can we neglect the most abundant material in the area ?
People of all ages and sexes have the knowledge to handle and build using this material, all that is needed is a contemporary twist able to revolutionize the local architecture into something beyond basic constructions. Thus, the use of a new earth architecture would benefit the project and the city entirely.
By surrounding the perimeter of the actual Theater with a man made hill, a continuity in the fabric of the city is insured. This Hill is then dug and penetrated to create spaces and cavities able to inhabit the different functions needed for this project. Similar to a Termite, those cavities become functional continuous spaces linked to each other and to the outside.
This hill blends in perfectly with its surroundings and is fully accessible from the inside as well as the top that serves as an open free public space. It also full of cracks that symbolize the soil during dry seasons but that are also used as openings for ventilation and lighting for the inner spaces.
The theater is transformed into a natural landscape that dissolves into its environment and that is inhabited by the society around it freely without any boundaries or architectural limitations.

Popis projektu

The project can be divided into three main areas. The first area sits at the south end of the theater behind the seating area. The center piece of this part of the project is the conviviality space that links the "Labo" area together. Different parts of this area are separated by sliding doors, patios, terraces when needed but are also continuous and fluid in their shapes and circulations.
The second area is directly behind the stage, and is used primarily by the performers to provide everything they need before, during and after a show. it contains a meeting room, a sewing workshop and a backstage area divided into two rooms to provide two different access points to the stage.
The third area sits along the east part of the Theater, and contains all the workshops, construction areas, storage, technical spaces as well as a truck and car access to the back part of the project.
We can also add the top part of the hill that is used as a public space and contains two main stairways that lead to the seating area of the theater.

Technické informace

Earth architecture alongside science and contemporary architecture are able to achieve a sustainable and revolutionary way of building with bricks and rammed earth. With filleted edges between the walls and the ceiling as well as slanting walls, a vault like shape is achieved and is able to transfer the heavy loads in a better way providing less stress on the structural components and the possibility of creating large open areas despite the heavy inhabited ceiling above. The loads are then transferred to special foundations able bear these inclined loads and to transfer them evenly into the ground. The structural integrity of the project is similar to one of a termite where most parts of this architecture are self bearing due to their shape.

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