
Bytový dům Bubeneč

Jan Pelikán
CTU in Prague - Faculty of Civil Engineering
Česká Republika

Idea projektu

This idea was built on bases of sustainability and good-living. So, the main goal is to have an apartment building which has low impact on overheating of cities and good water managment, but at the same time the buliding provides the same living-standard as non-eco buildings. This very balance between eco-living and comfort-living is that what creates the unbreakable connection between people and nature and what characterises my project.

Popis projektu

I designed this apartment building with dispositions of flats, common space and parking slots.

Technické informace

This project was designed in a system called EcoCocon with wooden beams and concreate bases.


Ing. arch. Josef Smola, Akad. arch. Aleš Brotánek, Ing. arch., Ing. Andrea Vášková

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