
Vivienda Colectiva_La Floresta

Cristian Andre, Ribadeneira Moncayo
Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Cumbaya, Ecuador, Facultad de Arquitectura y Diseno Interior

Idea projektu

In this collective housing project, the goal was to achieve a new type of housing that would renew the way of living in a building. There is the interpretation of including the parking lots, works, and green areas as a foundation (base). The houses are proposed as dynamic elements where the typologies are mixed and adjusted to give a great diversity within the same building.

Popis projektu

The project is a multiple dwelling building, where work, commerce, and housing coexist in such a way that the building is always alive and there is no time when it is abandoned, as is the case with a large number of homes. The project becomes a virtual gear for the artistic and cultural development of the area.

Technické informace

The project was carried out as a perimeter block in such a way as to respect the situation of keeping the facade continuous and at the same time concentrating the flow of visuals towards the interior and the sky. The building was designed in concrete, with certain details in metal and glass.

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