Urbanistický design a krajinářství


ayesha Rajarathna
University of Moratuwa (UoM), Faculty of Architecture, Department of Architecture, Moratuwa
Srí Lanka

Idea projektu

what is the project is?
Ayurveda therapeutic healing scape- mental and physical illnesses dissolve through the design
Landscape intervention
Human connected with natural environment more than build environment. Natural landscape structure helps to heal the human body and mind. Naturally created landscape spaces cause to recover unhealthiness of human body.
Project is about Ayurveda therapeutic healingscape. Mainly discussed about Ayurveda. Ayurveda medicine divided into 3 elements. Those are,
Vata- air movement in the body
Pitta- liquids
Kapha- solid
In this project mainly focused on dissolving imbalance of body elements and dissolving physical and mental illneses.

Popis projektu

Primary-dissolve mental and physical illnesses through the design.
Secondary –
• Enhance Ayurveda medicinal methods.
• Make aware about the site.
• Protect and reserve forest from land encroachment.
• Appreciate existing environment through design places.
• Provide solution for Ayurveda patients mental and physical illnesses.
• Provide job opportunities for villagers.

Basic Principals of Healing Architecture
Unity of form and functions
Harmony with nature and site
Natural ventilation
Exposure to natural/day lighting
Noise reduction
Positive distraction
Color luminosity and Natural Art work


Water therapeutic area- in this area patient can experience water treatments. Whole area is designed for water treatment activities. And board walk going through the marshy area. In this area mainly proposed plants are the aquatic medicinal plants. Patients can gather around the ellakanda tank embankment. Give the facilities for patent to gather and experience water sound hearing, water experiencing, water touching treatments. Those treatments will affect for patients to dissolve pitta imbalanced diseases.

Sun bathing area- When natural sunlight hits the skin it triggers the body's production of vitamin D. Vitamin D is also known as “the sunshine vitamin.” It is a crucial ingredient for overall health; protects against inflammation, lowers high blood pressure, helps muscles, improves brain function and may even protect against cancer.


Transitional area (air treatment zone mainly focused on vata imbalanced issues)
This whole area is covered with forest and green environment. Good purified ventilation coming through the ellakanda forest and air treatment zone faced to forest area. And in this area patient can experience air treatment therapies. Also in this area has paddy lands. Timber board walk going inside the paddy land. When patient or user using this walk way. They can experience the environment and cool wind. Also wind patterns create the different type of natural sounds, and proposed fragrant plants gives variety smells. It should heal the human mind and body. When someone using this board walk if they want to stay and being relax they can stay and get experience of the nature.

Forest bathing - the medicine of simply being in the forest. Forest bathing that means "taking in the forest atmosphere" or "forest bathing." Forest Bathing, is good for both physical and mental wellbeing. It is proven to reduce stress hormone production, improve feelings of happiness and free up creativity, as well as lower heart rate and blood pressure, boost the immune system and accelerate recovery from illness


This area is mainly facilitate for kapha unbalanced patients. In this area user can experience bird sound hearing, relaxing with shady environment, experiencing natural healing views from the area, kapha treatment area is faced towards ellakanda tank and forest. In this area mainly facilitate yoga activity and meditation facilities.

Yoga meditation- They have been used as an alternative form of exercise to keep the mind and body healthy and happy. Practicing yoga improves balance, endurance, flexibility, and strength, while meditation helps keep the mind sharp, relieves stress and anxiety, and can strengthen immune system. This yoga meditation area is covered with natural setting. Tree chambers and naturally created open spaces are proposed in this area. Solar radiations are directly falls on to this area. And some spaces created with informal sun raise falling area. Those areas can be used for yoga meditation activities. If someone want to meditate under the tree, sun falling open space or, spaces facing towards the tank, they can choose their own.

Meditation area- this area is open meditation area. User can experience natural environment conditions. Also user can experience views through the upper level to ellakanda tank.

Technické informace

Ambalam (treatment chambers for oil treatments and massage)- this chamber is situated in water therapeutic area. And it is created with mud walls and roof is covered with coconut leafs. Inside the chamber patient can feel cooling environment. And structure is created with special form. Purified ventilation going through the chamber. Inside the chamber patient can experience oil treatments. And it will help to decrease hot issues.

Ambalam – structure is same, but user can experience different kind of feeling in this area chamber. Faced to the forest and paddy land. Good ventilation. Ambalam is facilitate for the treatments and user can stay at night in the chamber and they can experience different kind of sounds and feelings. Ambalam surrounding areas change time to time. In the morning it surrounding and inside gives different feeling and in the night they can experience another feeling as different place.

Water garden- water garden is surrounded with medicinal plants. And also this area has big tall existing trees. And there has five naturally created ponds. Those are look like natural ponds. Near to pond user can sit and experience the calm environment. It could be help to relax mind and heal the body. Through the design give facilities for seating a stay at that water garden area.

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